2007 Year in Review
The following are the meetings and events of 2007.

Our 2007 Calendar
January 9th | Global Jet Services |
February 13th | Cancelled due to Winter Storm. |
March 14th/15th | CSCC Maintenance Symposium |
March 14th | Charles E. Taylor II - JPs Barbeque |
March 17th | District 7 Science Day at CSCC |
April 10th | Shadin Avionics |
May 8th | Stevens Aviation & FAAST Team Presentation |
September 11th | Goodyear Aviation |
September 14th | COAGO 2007 at The Links at Rickenbacker Golf Course |
September 27th/30th | Gather of Mustangs and Legends 2007 at Rickenbacker Intl Airport |
October 9th | Indianapolis Jet Center |
November 13th | Olympus Industrial - Election |
December 11th | 2007 Holiday Dinner - U.S. Air Force Museum - Lane Aviation Facility |
January 2007 Meeting Sponsored by Global Jet Services
Our January 9th meeting was sponsored by Global Jet Services and featured Mr. J.D. McHenry with a presentation on "Leadership for Aviation Technicians (Human Factors). We want to thank J. D. for a great presentation that was interactive with all who attended. Global Jet Services provides specialized training around the country by bringing instructors to your hangar or local facility. Check their website for training opportunities they may have near you!
February Meeting Cancelled Due to Weather
A winter storm forced the cancellation of our meeting and we hope you were able to travel safely with little difficulty. We tried to notify everyone through our email distribution and website but if you were one of our members or someone planning to attend who were unaware of the cancellation, please let us know how we can improve communication in case this rare event happens again.
Our many thanks to Central Flying Service and Hartzell Propeller for their attempt to sponsor and give the presentation at the meeting. We hope to schedule them back sometime at a future meeting.
CSCC AMT Maintenance Symposium - March 14th/15th
March 14th Meeting - Charles E Taylor II Presentation at JPs Barbeque
This years March 14th Meeting was filled with historic content that took those
who attended back to the origin of powered flight. Approximately 165 people
attended the event that was held in conjunction with the first day of
The CSCC Aviation Maintenance Technology 2007
Maintenance Symposium. A small thunderstorm that passed by Bolton Field
Airport couldn't dampen the spirit of those assembled at JPs Barbeque for
this memorable event.
Dinner was served shortly after 6:00 and then the stage was set for a night of information and entertainment. During the COPAMA meeting, two students from Columbus State Maintenance Technology received Academic Achievement Awards. After being selected from a group of applicants, Steven Lahr was awarded $600.00 and Kevin O'Sullivan $400.00 from the COPAMA Scholarship Fund. Gene Sprang, Chairperson of the Scholarship Committee, issued the checks to Steven and Kevin to the applause of those gathered. We wish them well as they complete their training this year.
Many other award winners were acknowledged during the meeting portion of the nights agenda. Richard Brown, a CSCC student and intern for the Nationwide Insurance Corporate Flight Department was honored as the recipient of a $1000.00 Scholarship from the Professional Aviation Maintenance Foundations and Donna Bricker, our COPAMA Treasurer, was selected to receive the "2006 Award of Special Merit" at PAMA's 36th Annual Aviation Maintenance Symposium, in Orlando. We're proud of Donna and congratulate her on being selected to receive this national award.
All the Charles Taylor Master Mechanic Award recipients in attendance were honored not once but twice during this night of Aviation history and remembrance. Our guest speaker, Charles Taylor II, great grandson and his father Rubin Taylor, grandson of Charles E. Taylor the "Third Wright Brother", started their presentation by bringing the Charles Taylor Award winners up front to have each give a small personal history of their contributions to the aviation industry. The Taylors then gave each man a coffee cup to further commemorate their accomplishment.
Charles Taylor II then told the story of his great grandfather, a man on the edge of the lime light but always contributing to the technology during this advent of powered flight. We learned of his humble beginnings and his skill as a machinist that brought him to Dayton, Ohio to work in a bicycle shop that would become a turn-of-the-century Skunk Works. Photographs and documents that showed his close relationship with the Wright Brothers, his work for North American Aviation and Ford were reviewed by the group and we enjoyed several videos, including an interview of Charles Taylor and an explanation and running of the replica engine constructed for the 2003 100th Anniversary of Kitty Hawk celebration.
The presentation concluded with a short recollection by Rubin Taylor of the summer he spent with his grandfather in Detroit, when he was 8 years old and his brief encounters with Orville Wright and Henry Ford. The two Taylors then answered a few questions and the night concluded with the Prize Raffle and a book signing event. We’d like to thank the Taylors for traveling from Chicago to tell us this remarkable story.
Mr. Howard DuFour was originally scheduled but was unable to attend our
meeting with the Taylors. His contribution of collecting the photographs,
documents and other work of Charles Taylor are valuable and noteworthy.
Click Here to read more about Mr. DuFour's work which is contained in the Wright
State University Library in Dayton. Mr. DuFour holds the Wright Flyer model
in the photo to the left.
We'd also like to thank JP's Barbeque for the catering and use of their facility, the following corporations for sponsoring this year’s event and the others not listed who provided prizes for the three raffles to help fund the COPAMA Scholarship Fund. We hope you’ll thank them all with your patronage!
The meeting sponsors were NetJets, Sisu Services, Rapco, Inc., AirNet Systems, API, Raytheon Aviation Services, Champion Aerospace, Zip Chem Products, Landmark Aviation, Aviall, Duncan Aviation, Turbine Engine Specialists, Bizjet International and Midcoast.
District 7 Science Day at Columbus State Community College
The 2007 Science Day was held on Saturday, March 17th. Please visit our Scholarship Page for more information about this event.
April Meeting Sponsored by Shadin Avionics
Our April meeting was sponsored by Shadin Avionics and featured a presentation by Ed Gaines on "Engine Trend Monitoring" and some of their other product lines. Ed informed us of Shadin's RVSM solutions for the various Citation aircraft, their fuel flow instrumentation and the advantages of ETM (Engine Trend Monitoring) in Reciprocating and Turbine engined aircraft. Their ETM allows easy capture and downloading of engine parameters and includes one year free trending from Trend Group. The data can also be viewed with PC Software to allow troubleshooting to catch problems when they are small.
Ed is one of our local representatives living near Columbus and we thank him and Shadin Avionics for their support.
May Meeting Sponsored by Stevens Aviation - Presentation by FAA FAAST Team
Our May meeting was held on Tuesday May 8th at Lane Aviation and sponsored by Stevens Aviation. We'd like to thank Stevens Aviation for their support and Mark Kimmel of the FAA Safety Team for his presentation about the FAASTeam. Please visit both website to learn more about these fine organizations and to view other FAASTeam events around Ohio.
We'd also like to extend a special thanks to Lane Aviation for the use of their facility and staff through the past years. This was the last meeting before our summer break during the months of June through August. We'll keep the website updated so check back over the summer to see what plans we have for fall! Have a great summer and see you in September!
Goodyear Sponsors September Kick-Off Meeting
Many attended our September "Kick-Off" meeting, featuring Rob Robson from Goodyear Aviation, the meeting sponsor. The meeting included a 'Pig Roast' for this special get-together and we'd like to thank Rodney Meyer and his son Scott for their hard work of preparing and roasting pig.
Rob then gave a witty presentation on Tire Maintenance that kept the crowd laughing while they gained the hour of credit toward their IA renewal requirements. We met at the Lane Aviation facility above and would like to reiterate our thanks to them for giving us a place to hold our meetings. Visit Goodyear Aviation's website for information on their products, download service information and learn about Goodyear's contribution to aviation over the years!
This year marks the 6th anniversary of the day that changed aviation and the world as we knew it. Just like in 2001, 9-11 fell on the day of our first meeting of the Fall. While we had a great time at the gathering, we paused to remember those who lost their lives in the air and on the ground during the attach on that Black Tuesday! Let us never forget their sacrifice, courage and acts of selfless bravery and the families and friends they left behind.
September 14th - PPA and COPAMA Host Central Ohio Aviation Golf Outing
The weather was wonderful for the 5th Annual Central Ohio Aviation Golf Outing, September 14th at "The Landings at Rickenbacker" Golf Course. The event was loaded with Fun, Raffle Prizes and Camaraderie for the Players and Sponsors that attended this day of Scramble Golf.
Breakfast and Trophies were provided by Landmark Aviation, Hawker Beechcraft provided a "Snack at the Turn" and Gulfstream provided lunch for all after the round of golf. We'd like to thank the many other sponsors who provided great raffle prizes to help raise money for the COPAMA Scholarship Fund.
These Fund-Raisers don't just happen and COAGO 2007 was a culmination of 6 months of work by our COPAMA Vice-President and Golf Outing Chairman, Irv Schumacher. We want to thank Irv, Donna Bricker, Jeff Gruber, Ralph and Shirley Graves, Gene Sprang, the Staff of The Landings at Rickenbacker Golf Course and all the other volunteers that helped with the event.
Many thanks to this years hole and special award sponsors listed in alphabetical order...
Aero Battery, Inc.,
Aircraft Logs,
Aviation Partners, Inc.,
CAE Simuflite,
Central Flying Service,
Champion Aerospace,
CRS Jet Spares,
Duncan Aviation,
Flight Safety,
Gulfstream Aerospace,
Hawker Beechcraft Services,
Indianapolis Jet Center,
Jet Corp,
Landmark Aviation,
Lane Aviation,
L-3 Communications,
Million Air,
Nationwide Insurance,
Shadin Avionics,
Spirit Avionics,
Tdata, Inc.
and TriTex Corporation.
Please thank them by showing them your patronage!
September 27th - 30th - The Gathering of Mustangs and Legends 2007
GML 2007 was quite an event with 3 days of beautiful near-perfect Autumn weather for a great Airshow! The event gathered P-51 Mustangs from all over the world, the Legends and Aces that flew them in WW II.
The U.S.A.F. Thunderbirds and other military aircraft also came to celebrate the 65th anniversary of Rickenbacker (KLCK - previously Lockbourne Air Force Base), the 65th anniversary of The Tuskegee Airmen and the 60th Anniversary of the United States Air Force. It's been 10 years since Central Ohio enjoyed an airshow at Rickenbacker and this one made up for lost time.
The GML 2007 Website includes links to other 'Gathering Information' and is the official site of the event.
The local paper "The Columbus Dispatch" has provided a 3 minute audio slideshow of the event. Turn up your volume and click on the their name to follow the link!
October 9th Meeting Sponsored by Indianapolis Jet Center
The October meeting was sponsored by Indianapolis Jet Center and included an informational presentation about "The Future of the A&P Mechanic." Mr. Brad Townsend of Sprint Nextel who is Vice Chair of NBAA's Maintenance Committee, gave an interactive presentation on "Project Bootstrap", which parallels PAMA/SAE's program for the advanced certification of maintenance and avionics technicians. The presentation showed the career paths and aviation industry partners involved in this future certification process to keep up with the advanced technologies integrated into the aircraft of today and tomorrow. Purdue University is now working on a curriculum that someday may lead to a PhD in Aviation Maintenance.
Brad also informed us of NBAA's Maintenance Technical Reward and Career Scholarship Maintenance TRACS program. Many thanks to Brad, Doc Palm, and Indianapolis Jet Center for sponsoring the meeting.
Olympus Industrial Sponsors November Meeting
Our November meeting was held Tuesday the 13th and sponsored by Olympus Industrial. It featured an informative presentation by Mr. Larry Chabowski on "The History and Advancement of Borescopes". Olympus has long been a manufacturer of remote visual inspection devices that include their current line of Videoscopes, Fiberscopes and Rigid Borescopes. Larry talked about the 3 styles of devices and showed sample of their application and use. He and Randy Harker allowed our members to handle some of the equipment they had on display after the presentation. We want to thank them again for their time and sponsorship!
We also held elections for three Boardmembers for service on the 2008-09 Board. Our new Boardmembers are...
Donna Bricker, current COPAMA Boardmember and Treasurer, of TData, Inc.
Joe Lippert, COPAMA Scholarship Committee member, of Nationwide Insurance.
Paul Tursic, COPAMA member and IA Support of TData, Inc.
All four candidates had great support and narrow margins decided the election. I want to thank Dave Coulson for his willingness to run for Board and look forward to his continued input and support on one of our committees.
We will have a special "Thank You" at the Holiday Dinner for outgoing Boardmembers Sam Dodge and Ralph Graves for their longtime support and service on the COPAMA Board. Be sure to attend and make a point to thank them personally!
Aviators Gather to Enjoy the 2007 Holiday Dinner
The Holiday Dinner was held Tuesday, December 11th at Lane Aviation's Port Columbus Facility. The annual event was hosted by the Professional Pilots Association and COPAMA and sponsored by many of our vendors and corporate supporters. It provided a fun gathering that included a buffet dinner, a presentation on the National Air Force Museum by Rob Bardua, a night of music by David Rousselle and group from Roadrunner Music and a chance to win raffle prizes. It was great to see old friends and co-workers while gathering in this friendly Holiday setting.
The meeting included a message by PPA President, Greg Casagrande, who, with Roy Cottrill, gave out PPA cards and awards to some of their members in attendance. This year, we were please to have officers from PAMA National in attendance. Brian Finnegan, who has been President of PAMA since March 2000 addressed the group about some of PAMAs future programs and announced his new position as Director of Professional Certification with SAE. He then introduced Mr. John Casker who will be the new President of PAMA National. Both positions become effective on January 1, 2008. COPAMA is pleased to be the first Chapter to hear from and meet our new National President and wish both he and Brian well in their new positions.
During the COPAMA presentation, we said "Thank You" to outgoing Board Members, Sam Dodge and Ralph Graves. Ralph was a Charter member and Sam joined the board in 2003. They both received walnut plaques and a warm round of applause for their long commitment and service to COPAMA. Donna Bricker received a certificate, a small token of appreciation and applause from the audience for her service as Treasurer since the beginning of COPAMA. She will continue on as a member of the board though 2009. We also welcomed Gene Sprang to the office of President and announced the other Executive positions and new board members, Joe Lippert and Paul Tursic. Later in the evening, Gene acknowledged Lowell Dowler's three years of service as COPAMA President as he steps down to take over the Treasurer's post.
We'd like to again thank Mr. Rob Bardua from the U.S. Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio for his presentation about the Museum and the restoration and preservation of 60 years of Air Force history there. He told us some little known facts about some of the displays including the Presidential Aircraft, the displays of the XB-70 and B2 bombers, the opportunities to visit the restoration center and a dog named "Vittles" that flew 131 missions with his owner during the Berlin Airlift.
All of this would not have been possible without the help and support of our gracious dinner sponsors...
Bombardier, Central Flying Service, CRS Jet Spares, Dallas Airmotive, Dassault Falcon Jet, Duncan Aviation, Gulfstream Aerospace, Hawker Beechcraft, Landmark Aviation, Million Air and NetJets.
We'd also like to thank the following Vendors and Corporations that provided raffle prizes that included aircraft models, clothing, tools, mugs, tickets for a Caribbean Cruise and other prizes..
Elliott Aviation,
Lane Aviation,
Pentastar Aviation,
Stevens Aviation,
Tritex Corporation
Traveling Connections Travel Agency and
Turbine Engine Specialists.
Looking for something to do that's just a short trip from Columbus? Go to Dayton and visit the U.S.A.F Museum. It's a great place to see the history of the U.S.A.F. that celebrated it's 60th anniversary in 2007! Don't forget the Art Gallery inside the museum. Can't wait? Visit their website by clicking on the logo above! See you there!
COPMA Says Fairwell to...
Paul W. Tibbets, Jr. - Famous Aviator
On the morning of November 1st, Central Ohio and the world lost a person of history with the death of Mr. Paul Warfield Tibbets Jr.. This now elderly gentleman of 92 had rose through the ranks in World War II to command the 509th Composite Group based on Tinian Island in the Marianas. From there on August 6th, 1945, he piloted the B-29 "Enola Gay" to drop the first atomic weapon that helped bring an end to the war. He retired from the US Air Force with the rank of Brigadier General. Later in life, he was the President of Executive Jet Aviation, based here in Columbus where he resided for the rest of his life. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends as they morn his lost. Here are a few links to information about him and his place in aviation history.
Article in "The Columbus Dispatch"
Article in "Wikipedia"
In Memory of Robb Case
The aviators attending the Central Ohio Aviation Golf Outing paused for a moment to mark the passing of one of Central Ohio's well known pilots. Robb Case of local NBC affiliate Channel 4 News passed away on Thursday September 13th from a long battle with cancer. In serving his role as Pilot/Reporter for the Channel 4 News Helicopter for 21 years, he was very visible in the public eye of Central Ohio, representing the value of aviation in gathering news and information. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends during this time of mourning.
WCMH - NBC4 has posted a memorial on their web site about Robb which may be viewed at http://www.nbc4i.com/midwest/cmh/search.apx.-content-articles-CMH-2007-09-13-0026.html.
First "Doug Fairchild Maintenance Scholarship" Awarded August 17th.
The recipient of the 2007 Doug Fairchild Memorial maintenance scholarship was Randy Stoner from Michigan Institute of Aviation and Technology in Ypsilanti, Michigan. He's a very bright and motivated 4.0 student majoring in Aviation Maintenance who intends to specialize in Composite Materials repair or manufacturing within the aviation industry when he graduates next spring.
Aerodynamic, Inc (ADI) of Waterford, Michigan established the "Doug Fairchild Maintenance Scholarship Fund" to remember Doug, their Marketing Director who passed away at his home on Saturday, March 10th. This first Scholarship honoring Doug was awarded at this years Frank P. Macartney ("FPM") Foundation Golf Outing. The Fund provides financial support to a prospective A&P mechanic with a lifetime commitment to aviation. Please click here to view information about Doug, the Scholarship that bears his name and the FPM Golf Outing.
This page was last updated on 11/17/20.