Our Corporate Sponsors
These are the Companies and Individuals that support our fund raising efforts. We couldn't be so successful without them!

COPAMA would like to Thank the following sponsors.
Corporate Sponsor Opportunities
COPAMA is enriched with sponsors at all levels. From donations of raffle prizes to meeting and event sponsors, we have a great group of vendor and aviation involved corporations. Donations include products, funding of events and providing a wealth of training information through meeting presentations. Here are some of the ways our Sponsors help...
Meeting Presentations - Our regular monthly meetings include a meal and a presentation on some aviation related topic. Most topics are FAA approved for IA renewal. To sponsor the whole meeting, we ask that you provide a speaker and pay for the cost of catering dinner. For those who can provide the speaker or the meal but not both, we'll be happy to find someone to co-sponsor the meeting with you. The monthly meetings run from September to May and we're building our calendar for 2013-2014
We also sell raffle tickets at each meeting and special events for our Scholarship Fund. Items for raffle prizes include hats, clothing apparel, tools, models and gift cards. It's a great way for a vendor to donate promotional items to give them added visibility.
We have 3 fund raising events each year that are coordinated with the Professional Pilots Association (PPA) and The Columbus State Community College (CSCC). The events are..
- The Central Ohio Aviation Golf Outing. Held in September, this is our #1 fund raiser and sponsors provide hole prizes, lunch and raffle prizes. This event is co-hosted by PPA.
- The Holiday Dinner replaces the normal December meeting and attendees enjoy a nice dinner and entertainment. Our speakers keep the presentation light and non-technical. This year we're considering something that we think guests and spouses are sure to enjoy. We sell tickets to serve up to 300 persons. Our event sponsors fund the dinner and donate raffle prizes and we sell beverages for donations to the Fund. This event is co-hosted by PPA.
- Since March of 2006, we've moved our March meeting to coincide with the CSCC Maintenance Symposium.
That year we hosted a dinner the first night of the Symposium and invited all of it's attendees to attend. At that meeting we awarded scholarships to CSCC Students,
President Brian Finnegan of PAMA spoke to the group about PAMA and SAE and Jim Miller of Aircraft Technical Support told the group of his mission to retrieve a Falcon 10 aircraft from the Amazon River area of South America.
In 2007 we enjoyed a presentation by Charles E. Taylor II and his father Rubin Taylor. They shared historic and family experiences regarding their great grandfather and grandfather, Charles E Taylor of the Wright Brothers team.
In 2008, Mr. Craig McBurney of the Connecticut Corsair project spoke about their project to restore a Chance-Vought F4U Corsair.
In 2009 Dr. Robert I. Lewis gave a presentation on "Surviving an Aircraft Accident".
Each year our event sponsors funded the dinner and provided raffle prizes. These events were co-hosted by CSCC.
We realize that there are other ways you could spend your donation dollars and we strive to give you the most bang for the buck. All sponsors receive acknowledgement of their donations via our website, newsletters and are posted on this Corporate Sponsor page above. The page includes a hyperlink to your website and an email contact of your choice. Of course, if you wish to remain low key we'll just thank you privately!
If you wish to become a COPAMA Sponsor, please contact us and/or submit any questions you may have by sending an email to mail@copama.org. Thank you for helping us provide educational opportunities and scholarship to the Aviation Maintenance Technicians of Central Ohio
This page was last updated on 12/22/21.