Our 2011 Calendar
January 11th | Cancelled due to Winter Storm. |
February 8th | Cryotech Deicing Technology |
March 16th/17th | Maintenance Symposium at CSCC AMT |
March 19th | District 7 Science Day at CSCC |
April 12th | Bob Maroldy - Aviation Maintenance Tracking software. |
May 8th | Hawker Beechcraft Services / Champion "Slick Magnetos" |
May 15th | Youth Aviation Adventures at OSU Airport |
May 16th - 21st | Safecon at OSU Airport |
September 9th | COAGO 2011 at Willow Run Golf Course |
October 11th | Norm Burmaster - Presentation on the "Champaign Lady" B-17 Restoration Project |
November 8th | Richard Cady - FAAST Team - "Preventing Scribe Line Damage." |
December 6th | 2011 Holiday Dinner - Villa Milano Guest Speaker - Mr. Jerry Hissem - Chief Pilot - "Spirit of Goodyear" Blimp Topic: "Goodyear Airship Operations: Past, Present and Future" |
2011 News and Information
2011 COPAMA Calendar
January 12th Meeting Cancelled due to Winter Storm.
February 8th meeting sponsored by Cryotech Deicing Technology
Cryotech Deicing Technology was our February Sponsor and Tony Myhra provided a timely presentation for winter titled "Anti-icing and Deicing Decisions for Runways and Ramps". Tony concentrated on runway and ramp area deicing during his presentation but touched on their full line of deicing products for aviation. With all the snow and ice we've seen over the past few months, there was something to learn for all those who attended. Please click on their logo to see their website which displays their full product lines and information.
The meeting started off with the presentation of an Appreciation Plaque for service to COPAMA to Irv Schumacher, our outgoing Vice President, Board Member and Golf Outing Chairperson for the last four years. We want to thank Irv for all the time and commitment that all those positions require.
Next we presented Scholarship Award certificates to this years recipients in attendance pictured in the left photo above. They were (L to R) Richard Whiteside, Jeffrey Topp, Nathan Sauer and Chad Mayeran. The right photo shows award recipients Dustin Watson, Eric Rahaman and Chad Houser. Scholarship recipients not pictured are David Antle and Haitam Sheikh. We wish them well in their pursuit of careers in Aviation Maintenance.
Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium, March 16 & 17 at CSCC AMT Facility.
The Aviation Maintenance Technology facility of Columbus State Community College was again the site for this year's Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium. 33 vendors signed up for display booths and FAA Approved presentations that qualified for renewal of Inspection Authorization certificates. The Columbus and Cincinnati Flight Standards District Offices had staff on site to provide renewal information and presentations throughout the two days of the symposium. We at COPAMA were happy to co-host the event with CSCC and hope those who attended enjoyed the event
Information may be found at this CSCC Maintenance Symposium website about the symposium and the AMT facility. You may also view photos from previous year's and review this years results, when posted. Here's just a few thing that happened at this year's symposium.
33 Vendors took part in this years event. We wish to thank all of them that provided door and raffle prizes that were awarded over the two days of the symposium. Proceeds from the raffle go toward providing funds for testing scholarships for student AMTs and educational events for youth around Central Ohio.
The lower left photo shows The Award of Excellence given to Laurie Johns, former Chairman of the CSCC Aviation Department for starting the Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium 20 years ago. On stage with Laurie was FAA Inspector Mark Harden, Jeff Gruber of CSCC AMT and Dick Bickerstaff, Chairman of the Construction Science and Engineering Technologies Department at CSCC that oversees the Aviation Maintenance Technology. Congratulations Laurie on receiving this award during your remarkable career in aviation
The lower right photo shows past COPAMA President Louie Fura representing Youth Aviation Adventures receiving a check for $1,000.00 from Gene Sprang, COPAMA's current President . This marks the fourth year that COPAMA has been a sponsor of YAA that provides an aviation experience for Central Ohio youth. Twice a year in May and September, YAA provides a day of learning with the help of volunteers and the staff of The Ohio State University Airport. Please visit either website to learn more about YAA and their organization.
COPAMA Takes Part in 2011 District Science Day, March 19th.
Once again COPAMA participated as one of the many Sponsored Awards at this years District Science Day held at the Columbus State Community College Main Campus. Judging took place in the morning with Cliff Kelling, Earl Redmond, Paul Tursic, Joe Lippert, Jeff Gruber and Lowell Dowler interviewing the student entries. Our thanks to them and especially Jeff who stayed to give out the awards in the award assembly in early afternoon. For details about the event, click on the logo above. Congratulations to all these scholarly youth from around Central Ohio.
2011 District Science Day Award Winners (L-R).
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First Place Award:
Henry Schuler |
Second Place Award: Aaron Roach |
Third Place Award: Nate Steffensmeier |
Honorable Mention goes to..
Cameron Mickley, 8th Grade, St. Paul's ES, "Does FOC Affect the Accuracy of an Arrow?"
If you have questions about COPAMA's participation, please send us an email at mail@copama.org.
Bob Maroldy presents Aircraft Maintenance Tracking software at April 12th Meeting.
Our speaker for the evening was Bob Maroldy explaining the advantages of using the latest software in maintaining aircraft (fixed wing or rotorcraft). He discussed the setup and convenience of tracking multiple aircraft, making it easier for record keeping and providing accurate records for your customer's aircraft.
Once the data is established, it's easy to track time-limited items, ADs, Service Bulletins, Inspections and Components. Our thanks to Bob for his willingness to speak at the event for Paul Tursic for his assistance with answer questions after the presentation.
Hawker Beechcraft Services Sponsors May 11th Meeting; Champion presents on Slick Mags.
Hawker Beechcraft sponsored the May meeting which concludes our spring series and starts the summer break. Teaming up with them was Joe Logie of Champion Aerospace who gave an informative presentation on the Slick series of magnetos that are now produced by Champion.
Joe's presentation included a variety of information from technical bulletins, issues with the line of magnetos, service bulletins and product improvements. He sited updated manufacturing techniques that have improved reliability, directed us to their technical website which he administers and sighted prices of parts that can be replaced for minimal cost to help prolong the life of all-ready-in-service units.
His portion of the meeting was filled with the "meat and potatoes" information from start to finish and he emphasized his determination to give support to everyone who calls or emails him at slicksupport@champaero.com on a same day basis, when possible. By the time of our meeting, he had already cleared his service requests, "mainly due to being able to work on his laptop while Greg Holder of Aero Performance, chauffeured him around", he mused.
Joe discussed the up coming Solid State Ignition system that Champion is working on for light sport engines that will also find it's way onto larger engines, especially those that currently use the "Dual Mag" mounted on a single mounting pad on the engine for ignition. For more information about this upcoming ignition systems and Champion's full line of ignition products, visit their website at www.championaerospace.com.
Our thanks to Larry Rohrbach, Hawker Beechcraft Aircraft Services of Indianapolis, Joe Logie of Champion and Greg Holder of Aero Performance for their help and willingness to sponsor the event and provide an excellent meeting presentation.
This was the last meeting before the summer break. See you in September!
Youth Aviation Adventures at OSU Airport - May 14th.
Youth from all over Central Ohio gathered at OSU Airport to participate in the
YAA Spring Event.
This educational and informational "Saturday at the airport" provided learning stations and exhibits for youth interested in aviation.
Local Scout groups also used this experience toward their Aviation Merit Badge.
This marks the forth year that the volunteers have organized their displays and educational presentations to give these future aviators a glimpse of how an aircraft operates and the different employment opportunities at our airports. Rain threatened for most of the morning but held off until the end of the program.
Thanks to all the volunteers and the staff of Ohio State University Airport that pulled their time and talents together to provide the attendees a day to remember. The COPAMA Scholarship Fund awarded $1000.00 to help sponsor this years events and YAA is planning a fund raising "Hangar Bash" this August at Port Columbus. Make plans to attend and help continue this learning experience for Central Ohio youth.
Collegian Flight Teams have traveled to The Ohio State University Airport Collegian Flight Teams are traveling to The Ohio State University Airport to compete by showing their technical and flying skills. The event started May 16th and runs through May 21st with many teams already arriving and entering the flight pattern at OSU Airport the week before. For more information about this national event taking place in our backyard, visit the SAFECON website or visit www.osuairport.org for information about Don Scott Field!
Engine Builder, George Clyde, Passes Away at 82
George Clyde, Owner of Clydesdale Engines, passed away on Thursday April 21st. Memorial Services were held on Monday, April 25th. Click here for link to obituary and details.
National Aviation Maintenance Technician's Day - May 24th, 2011
Thank you AMT's for your attention to detail for aviation safety!
This year marks the 9th year that Charles E. Taylor's birthday has been celebrated to acknowledge the contribution of Aviation Maintenance Technicians in keeping our industry safe. California was the first State to for a Resolution to observe the day back in 2002. Read more about Charles Taylor, The Charles Taylor Award and National AMT Day on our Charles Taylor Award Page.
Happy Memorial Day!
A Day of Remembrance!
pause this weekend to remember those who gave their all for our freedom. Have a
safe and Happy Memorial Day weekend!
Few things match the experience of visiting the
Tomb of the
Unknown Soldiers in Arlington National Cemetery. The constant vigil is even
more solemn and special during this Holiday when we remember all our fallen and
thank all who served. Click on the picture of the Tomb for more about the Guards
at the Tomb and their dedication to honor those who lie there.
Storm Damages Blimp After Mooring Broke at OSU Airport.
An overnight storm around midnight Saturday broke the Hangar 1 Vodka Blimp from it's mooring at OSU Airport. A search for the blimp early Sunday morning located it in the back yard of a residence on Linworth Road just east of the airport. Click Here for a link to new coverage on the event.
No Encore for Atlantis: Space Shuttle Program Ends!
At dawns early light on Thursday July 21st, Atlantis crossed the threshold of Runway 15 at Kennedy Space Center for the last time. The landing marked the end of the Space Shuttle Program that has spanned 3 decades of operation and accomplishments. Not to discount the accidents that caused the loss of Challenger and later Columbia which exemplified the tremendous risk involved in leaving our planet and returning home from the vacuum of space.
Friday, July 8th, marked the launch of the last Space Shuttle mission when Atlantis lifted off to take the final bow for the Shuttle fleet. Highlights of this last mission include a crew of only four astronauts and provisioning for the International Space Station for approximately one year.
The minimum crew was a safety precaution since there's no next shuttle that can fly a rescue mission if something happened to compromise the tiles on Atlantis during launch. If that would have happened, it would have took over a year to get all four crew members back using the Russian supply missions to return them safely home.
After 30 years of operations, Atlantis completed the final Space Shuttle mission, concluding the shuttle program's planned tasks of lifting heavy sections of the International Space Station, Hubble and launch and repair other satellites.
The Expedition 28 crew on the International Space Station photographed Atlantis as it reentered the earths atmosphere engulfed in a spectacular plasma trail. Click on the photo to see other photos of the return and landing and find other information about the shuttle and space programs.
The ISS still circles the globe providing a platform for continued experimental research and observations. Here's the link to the NASA page that lists the viewing times and flight paths for possible sightings as they fly over the communities over Ohio. Let's hope for clear skies so we can get a view of the ISS flying over head in the mornings of the last week of July. NASA Human Space Flight Page
NBAA and PAMA Respond to President Obama's Comments.
Earlier this year, the administration made continuing comments about the business jet sector of aviation that have portrayed our industry in a negative manor. Mr. Ed Bolen, President and CEO of the National Business Aviation Association and Dale Forton, President of PAMA have posted their responses to these comments which are available below.
Both NBAA and PAMA invite you to consider making your own response to these comments about our industry and the negative impact it would have on our aviation industry and careers.
Click here for NBAA Comment Click here for PAMA Comment
Duncan Aviation Hosts Intelli-Conference in Columbus.
Duncan Aviation hosted an Intelli-Conference on Wednesday, Aug 31 at the Port Columbus Embassy Suites Hotel. This was the first of four events planned nationwide and admission is free. Click on the link to view more information about their future conferences and registration to attend.
YAA HangarFest Held August 27th
The Youth Aviation Adventure (YAA) hosted their 3rd annual YAA HangarFest on Saturday, August 27th. Spirit Avionics, Ltd. was the site of the event in their Port Columbus hangar at 4808 E 5th Ave. The fundraiser started at 7:00 pm and included a silent auction to help raise funds for their youth events held in spring and early fall.
PAMA Announces 2012 National Aviation Maintenance Symposium
The 2012 National Symposium will be held at the Eastern Michigan University Student Center, Ypsilanti, Michigan on January 19th and 20th. It will coincide with the 12th Annual Great Lakes Aviation Conference.
Information for Exhibitors, Sponsors and Attendees may be found by clicking on this link.
PAMA Elects Board of Directors for 2011
PAMA has announced its new Board of Directors for 2011. We want to congratulate Jeff Gruber from our own chapter as be moves from the Great Lakes Director post to become the Vice Chairperson for the coming year. Samuel K. Cryer will take over the Great Lakes Director position.
We want to thank all the newly elected board members for their willingness to serve and represent Aviation Maintenance Technicians throughout the United States.

COAGO 2011 - Another Great Day of Golf
We want to thank all who sponsored and attended this year's Central Ohio Aviation Golf Outing. It will take a little time to assemble all the data and photos for the Final Report so please check back to see the details of the Event
The initial photos from the event are now posted in Gallery 2 of the Photo Gallery. These are unedited and unsorted so please check back as we refine and add to the photos for your enjoyment.
Please visit the COAGO 2011 webpage for event updates by clicking the "Recent Events:" link to the left.
Proceeds go to the COPAMA Scholarship Fund to provide help with testing fees for Student AMTs.
We Paused to Remember 9-11
Sunday marked the tenth anniversary of the 9-11 attacks on our country. Few things have made such an impact on those living during the event or those whose lives were directly touched by that tragic day. Our thoughts turn to those who lost their lives and loved ones in the World Trade Towers, The Pentagon, a Field near Shanksville, PA., the Passengers and Crews in the four aircraft and those Rescue Workers killed both during and since the day of the attack.
No other business segment has felt the impact more than our own aviation industry, a portion of which was used to perpetrate the carnage that day. We now stand guard to prevent this type of action from occurring again.
We also remember our men and women in the military service to our country as they defend us from those who would destroy it and it's long standing beacon of freedom.
October Meeting topic: "Champaign Lady" B-17 Project
Our October featured a presentation on The Champaign Lady Restoration Project given by Norm Burmaster. We want to thank Norm for all the information about the project and the COPAMA Board has decided to donate $500.00 to help with this preservation our our nations history.
You can read more about this B-17 by clicking here to visit their website. While there be sure to click on their Home link to learn more about the other aircraft at the Champaign Aviation Museum.
This meeting included nominations for opening board member position for 2012-13. The positions held by Joe Lippert, Paul Tursic and Bill Reinert are up for re-election after completing their two year terms. Joe and Paul will run again and we're looking for volunteers to be candidates to replace Bill as he steps down from the board and acting Treasurer. We want to thank Bill for his service to the group and acknowledge him at the Holiday Dinner in December.
Nominations will soon be announced for all candidates and the group will conduct elections at the meeting in November. Click Here to download meeting minutes.
PAMA Moves National Headquarters to Ionia, Michigan
October 6th, 2011- The Professional Aviation Maintenance Association (PAMA) is pleased to announce their national headquarters is now located in Ionia, Michigan. For a full press release please click on title link above.
PAMA is looking forward to reaching out to its members in new creative ways. Located in a mid-western small town will help bring the organization back to its roots in representing the Aviation Maintenance Technician.
The new contact information for PAMA headquarters is:
972 E. Tuttle Rd
Suite 204
Ionia, MI 48846-8606
Local: 616-527-1302
Toll-free: 800-356-1671
Fax: 616-527-1327
Cincinnati Chapter IA Seminar Big Success.
The Ohio Aviation Technicians Society (OATS Chapter) held their October 29th IA Renewal Seminal on the Cincinnati State West Campus. The event included FAA Inspector, Mike Millard's IA Jeopardy Challenge and a two hour segment on the maintenance of balloons. Please click on the links for more information about this events.
November Meeting Topic: Preventing Scribe Line Damage
The November meeting was held at Lane Aviation on Tuesday the 8th and featured Richard Cady of the FAAST Team giving his long awaited presentation on "Preventing Scribe Line Damage." The topic was approved to be used for IA renewal and AMT Awards.
The night's agenda included the election of 3 Board Member candidates, Joe Lippert and Paul Tursic who were elected for a second term and Chuck Jenkins who joins the board for 2012-13. We want to thank them for their willingness to serve and help guide COPAMA through the next two years! We also shared a round of applause for Bill Reinert who leaves the board after serving a second term and being last year's treasurer. We'll formally thank Bill at next month's Holiday Dinner.
Remembering "Them" on Veteran's Day!
It stands on the Mall of Washington D.C., carved into the earth to forever stand for those who fell. An iconic symbol that bears the names of the over fifty eight thousand men and women that gave their lives during the Viet Nam war. Yet they are only a fraction of all the forces that served there and/or were wounded there and returned home.
We pause on Veterans Day, November 11th 2011, to remember "Them" and all who have served our country in times of war and peace, thanking "Them" for the freedom that we have today.
Click on the photo to go to "The Wall USA" A Vietnam Veterans Memorial Site. There you can learn more about the memorial and search for the locations of those listed there. A search on those who's birthday's were November 11th reveals 179 men including Army CPL John Lawrence Fetherolf born in 1952 and KIA at the age of 18 from Circleville, Ohio, Thomas Edward Burlile born in 1942 and KIA at the age of 23 and Army PFC Thomas Willene Johnson born in 1949 and KIA at the age of 19, both from London, Ohio.
Holiday Dinner held on Tuesday, December 6th.
The evening was filled with friends, food, fun and prizes at this year's Central Ohio Aviation Holiday Dinner at Villa Milano Restaurant on Schrock Road. The report on the event is now available. Photos have also been posted at the COPAMA Facebook page and while you're there, why not become a member and receive updates on COPAMA events and information!
We want to thank all our Speakers, Sponsors and attendees for helping make this year's dinner so enjoyable. Proceeds to the Sam Dodge Memorial Fund was $592.00 and the total 50/50 Raffle collection of $340.00 went to the Lima Company Memorial thanks to Jay Randall of Constant Aviation. Jay donated his winning ticket proceeds back to the Memorial.
Click Here to link to the event page and learn more about the evening's presentation, sponsors and find other information about this annual event co-hosted with the Professional Pilots Association. We hope everyone who attended had a great time!
2011 News and Information
CSCC Bolton is venue for EAA Aircraft Builders Workshop, October 29-30
EAA is holding a workshop which features 2 day classes in 5 different building skills and a "What's Involved in Kit Building" session on Saturday night that includes pizza for a $25 charge. The 2 day course prices are based on EAA status but non-members are also welcome to attend.
For more information about this event, please visit www.sportair.org to learn about their organization and www.sportair.org/schedule.html for the courses available during their Columbus visit.
Job posting for Composite Technician for Constant Aviation.
Click Here to read more about this
September 12th position opening. Initial position opening is
in Central Ohio.
Job posting for Regional Sales Manager at Constant Aviation.
Click Here to read more about this July 6th position opening and visit our Careers page for other job opportunities. Constant also continues to search for AMT's to fill their growing RMO facilities.
Central Ohio job posting for Independent Aviation Sales Rep. on our Careers page.
Click here to read more about this June 23rd position opening.
In Memory of Rosalie Bujarski
Rosalie Bujarski, a member of Columbus Flight Watch and advocate for all of us in aviation, passed away on Thursday June 23rd. A memorial service will be held at the Schoedinger Northeast Chapel, 1051 East Johnstown Road, Gahanna, Ohio 43230 on Friday July 1st at 5:00 to 6:00 for family and after 6:00 for friends.
Please click on the links above to visit the Schoedinger site for the obituary. Our thoughts are with her family and friends as they celebrate her life and mourn her passing.
CSCC Development Foundation News
CSCCDF announced it's Spring/Summer 2011 award winner for the Sam Dodge Memorial Scholarship. Isaac Eckman, who is pursuing an Associates Degree in Aviation Maintenance will receive the award, given in memory of Sam Dodge, Lane Parts Manager and COPAMA Board Member. Good luck, Isaac, as you complete your studies at CSCC.
Visit our Web Links page
We have a special page for links you submit for others to view. The plan is to add at least one new link each week so send in your favorite links!
SAFECON competition was held at OSU Airport, May 16th thru 21st
The Ohio State University was host for this years event which allowed college aviation programs from all over the nation to compete in several skills and knowledge areas. Congratulations to the University of Southern Illinois, this years National Champs and the OSU team for their 5th place performance.
Go to the SAFECON website to learn more about the event and www.osuairport.org for information about this year's host!
COPAMA Shares Loss of George Clyde, Clydesdale Aircraft Engines
We're sorry to announce the loss of a long time member of the Columbus aviation community. George Clyde of Clydesdale Aircraft Corporation passed away on Thursday, April 21st at the age of 82. A memorial service was held at the Schoedinger Northeast Chapel on April 25th.
Please click here to view the obituary and other information about George's life in the Columbus Dispatch. Our sincere condolences to his family and many friends in this time of morning.
Youth Aviation Adventures at OSU Airport May 7th
Youth from all over Central Ohio gathered at OSU Airport to experience this Spring's YAA Event. COPAMA has donated $1000 to support this aviation educational event for youth from ages 12 to 18. Click on the link to visit their website for more information about YAA and this event and their organization.
PPA Donates $1000.00 to COPAMA Scholarship Fund
Our friends at Professional Pilots Association (PPA) have decided to donate $1,000.00 to the COPAMA Scholarship fund which helps student AMTs pay the costs of their certification. The COPAMA Board is considering using this money to set up an emergency fund for students with unforeseen tuition financing issues. These would be needs-based distributions and decided on an individual case basis. The goal would be to keep these students in school when uncontrollable issues threaten their funds for tuition.
We want to thank PPA for this contribution and hope they rest in knowing they have helped some unknown student(s) through their training for a career in aviation maintenance.
Wendy's International closes Flight Department
April 15th was the last day of operation for the Wendy's International flight department at OSU Airport. Sad to say that the aircraft was put in the possession of a management company while the staff collected their belongings to start somewhere new. Their flight department has experience with Falcon 10, Citation VII and Citation X aircraft and has spanned over three decades. If you know of someone looking for experienced aviators (pilots, maintenance and administrative) send us a note at mail@copama.org and we'll forward that information on to them.
Their Chief of Maintenance, Dan Hubbard is a long time member of our Central Ohio maintenance community. We wish him, his family and all the members of their flight department staff good luck in finding new positions where they can utilize their many talents!
Dale Fornton Named New PAMA President
In a recent email to the PAMA membership, PAMA Board Chairman Clark Gordon announced the retirement of outgoing President John Casker who was replaced by new PAMA President, Dale Forton. The change is effective April 1st. Please click here to read the full announcement on the PAMA website.
COPAMA would like to thank President Casker for his interest in our chapter and the visits he made to our meetings and special events. We look forward to working with President Forton who has long been an advocate of PAMA and it's mission to represent the membership and those engaged in Aviation Maintenance.
OSU / NetJets Establish Center for Aviation Studies
On Monday June 6th at OSU Airport, the Ohio State College of Engineering announced the establishment of it's Center for Aviation Studies with the help of NetJets Inc. who provided a generous gift to support the Center. University and NetJets Representatives along with Astronaut/Senator John Glenn spoke to those in attendance about the importance of Ohio in the history and development of the Aviation Industry and how the Center will continue research and training for the aviators of tomorrow. Click here for a segment about the Center that appeared on ONN.
This page was last updated on 12/22/21.