Our 2015 Calendar
January 13th | Mr. Andy Doll - Ohio Department of Transportation - "Are You Aware of Your Environment?" |
February 10th | Mr. Brad Primm - Lane Aviation - "Avionics Mandates" |
March 19th | Maintenance Symposium at CSCC Conference Center |
March 21th | District 7 Science Day at CSCC |
April 14h | Mr. Alex Krauskopf - Hartzell Propeller - "H.P. Basic Maintenance and New Technologies" |
May 12th | Mr. Dennis Coulbourn - Lycoming Engines - "Engine Care and Maintenance" |
September 11th | COAGO 2015 at Kyber Run Golf Course |
October 13th | Mr. Bob Maroldy - T-Data - "Maintenance Tracking Made Easy" |
November 10th | Inspector Mark Harden- FAASTeam Program Manager - "2014-15 Accidents and Incidents" |
December 1st | 2015 Holiday Dinner - Villa Milano Guest Speakers - Mr. Scott McComb - CEO - President of Hartland Bank Mr. Jeffrey LeFever, Mr. Dick Barrett and Mr. George O'Donnel of Columbus Historical Society Topic: "Port Columbus Original Terminal and Hangar One Restoration Project" |
Link to 2015 News and Information
2015 COPAMA Calendar
January 13th Topic -"Are You Aware of Your Environment?"
Mr. Andy Doll of the
Ohio Department of Transportation gave
an informative and entertaining presentation regarding the environment around
Airports in Ohio. He first asked the group about how aware they were of the
environment around airports that they operated to and from. He then explained
the terms related to clearways, safety zones and other variable when setting up
approaches to runways. He also showed photos of some of the aircraft the state
uses for the different government departments in Ohio.
The next portion of his presentation involved areal photos of several Ohio airports, both public and private, and pointed out issues that prompted him to take action to maintain safety. Things like tall grass, ditches in close proximity to the runway, sink holes and man made objects in the safety zone that are supposed to breakaway in a runway event but wouldn't.
Sometimes his job involves temporarily closing an airport while corrections are made, helping airport owners with resources to improve their infrastructure and flying state aircraft involved in various mapping operations around Ohio. He showed a badger in a cage that was caught here in Ohio that he had to transport for a study project to track the animals. Their group also helps with discovery and prosecution of poachers and illegal crop growers around the state. We want to thank Andy for a great presentation and being our kickoff speaker for 2015!
The meeting was posted on the FAASTeam website and those attending should receive WINGS or AMT credit.
February 10th Topic: Avionics Mandates - Lane Aviation
This month's meeting on February 10th featured Mr. Brad Primm, President of Lane Aviation and a presentation on "Avionics Mandates and What's New at Lane Aviation".
The evening started with a light dinner of subs and chips provided by Lane, then a short update on upcoming events by COPAMA President Joe Lippert. The Maintenance Symposium in March and the possible topics for April and May were discussed.
Mr. Primm then started his presentation that was both informative and entertaining with the main topic of upcoming mandates and intermixed "infomercials" about Lane Aviation History, Services and Highlights.
FANS 1/A with CPDLC, ADS-B (In-Out and Contract), TCAS II V7.1, 8.33 KHz Spacing and a sampling of available equipment to meet those mandates were the heart of Brads show.
We'd also like to thank Ed Bannen of Honeywell who helped explain some of the many acronyms that appeared during the PowerPoint presentation and the other attendees who participated in the technical discussion. The equipment review included units from the 978 MHz UAT boxes for light aircraft to TSO certified units for up to Air Transport Category aircraft.
Lane Aviation was incorporated on May 1, 1935 by Foster Lane and will celebrate their 80th year of operations this year. They were around and operated out of Ohio State University Airport during World War II helping train Navy Cadets while Port Columbus was taken over for Military manufacturing. They also were around to witness the creation of the FAA and NASA in 1958 and opened one of the first FAA Repair Stations in 1963.
The Lane ramp was the start of Jerrie Moch's first female solo flight around the world on March 19th, 1964 and finished there 30 days later on April 17th. Our own COPAMA member Cliff Kelling, who served on our Board of Directors, was a big part of preparing her Cessna 180 "The Spirit of Columbus" for that exceptionally long trip. This year's Maintenance Symposium will occur on the 51st anniversary of her departure.
Brad also announced Lanes General Aviation Customs terminal at the east end of their complex, new de-icing trucks entering service and construction of new facilities at the west end near the FAA Control Tower. We want to thank Brad and Lane Aviation for the presentation and use of their facility and to all who bought tickets and provided prizes for the raffle which helps support the COPAMA Scholarship Fund.
Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium, March 19th CSCC Conference Center
The site of the 2015 Maintenance Symposium was the Columbus State Community College Conference Center, located in the Center for Workforce Development Building, 315 Cleveland Ave. in Columbus, Ohio. The format was a one day, multiple session event with presentations arranged by the FAASTeam Program Manager, Inspector Mark Harden and registration through the FAA Safety website.
This year's program included a selection of presentations by video teleconference and vendors. Jay Wilkins, manager of the Columbus FSDO, introduced his staff and inspectors from the Cincinnati FSDO were in attendance to handle their technician's IA renewals.
Our keynote speaker was Greg Feith, retired NTSB Senior Air Safety Investigator and television news analyst for several cable new channels. He stressed several ways of breaking the chain of events that usually lead up to every aviation accident. He pointed out we should not be bystanders when we see something dangerous or someone performing an incorrect or careless act.
His presentation included highlights of his career beginning with a Cessna 210 crash on a Colorado mountain top when he was an Embry Riddle COOP with the Colorado NTSB office. He said that was the event that changed his path from aviation maintenance to a career in accident investigation.
In 1985, he was chosen for his relative youth to the other inspectors in his NTSB office to go to Bolivia and investigate the crash of an Eastern Airlines Boeing 727 that flew into Mount Illimani on the arrival to La Paz. The crash site was at 19,600 feet and prevented access for an initial assessment of the wreckage except by aerial photography. An estimated 50 feet of snow fell on the debris field before Greg's team of investigators and Bolivian Sherpas made the lengthily climb to the site. He almost lost his life when an ice-bridge broke through on the climb and they found the tail section but the FDR and CVR had broken loose and have yet to be found.
His presentation continued with other cases and accident investigations where some of the causes were obvious and preventable by using using documented and accepted procedures and practices. In one of his final slides he asked us to count the 3 rabbits then showed us the slide. The slide appeared and then was replace by another as he told us the importance of an investigator to not have preconceptions on what they'll find. He then showed us the slide again and said you could also see 3 ducks!
We want to thank Mr. Feith for his informative slide show, Mark Harden and the other FAA representatives and presenters for the information they shared and all who attended the 2015 Maintenance Symposium.
We also want to thank the Vendors at the Symposium for providing the snacks for the morning and afternoon Breaks and raffle prizes for the COPAMA raffle. Please support them through your patronage. For other information and updates about the Symposium, please visit the CSCC AMT Symposium webpage.
And last but not least, many thanks to our volunteers that helped make the symposium happen. Carol and Earl Redmond who handled the COPAMA booth along with Chuck Jenkins and Joe Lippert. Earl also ran the vendor sponsor fees and transacted the break refreshments from those funds.
We'd like to note two long time members who weren't there this year. Shirley and Ralph Graves who had a heart attack on March 7th. Ralph is recuperating and Shirley understandably had more important things to do. We wish them well on the path to recovery!
This years list of Symposium Presentations.
New Operator’s Manual for Human Factors in Maintenance,
Electronic Research Simplified
PT6A & PW 500 Engine Series Maintenance Practices,
Spark Plug Design and Maintenance
The Pilot’s Bill of Rights… Not Just for Pilots,
What to do When the FAA Comes Knocking
A GA Guide to NextGen,
Slick Mag 500 Hr. Inspection, Plugs, Harnesses, SBs, and Manual Changes
Lead Acid Aircraft Battery Airworthiness,
GA Aircraft Accidents Associated with Maintenance
Understanding Tool Calibration and Certification,
Approved Parts – What you need to know
Aircraft Corrosion Prevention,
Care & Maintenance of Cleveland Wheels and Brakes
Repair Station Meeting w/ CMH FSDO Inspectors
This years list of Symposium Vendors.
A.E.R.O Inc. | Pan American Tool Corp |
Aero Battery | Parker/Cleveland Hannifin Corp |
Aero Performance | Poplar Grove Airmotive |
Aerospace Turbine Rotables | Preferred Airparts, LLC |
Aviall | Spec Mask Ohio |
Barry Controls - Hutchinson Aerospace | Stevens Aviation |
Champion Aerospace | Tdata Corporation |
Concorde Battery Corp. | Tempest |
Dallas Airmotive | Toledo Jet Center |
Floats & Fuel Cells | Tritex Corporation |
G&N Aircraft, Inc. | Zip-Chem Products |
Lane Aviation |
COPAMA / GE District 7 Science Day Awards 2015
On Saturday, March 21st Jim Kulp of G.E. and Joe Lippert, Earl Redmond and Lowell Dowler of COPAMA attended and judged 6 aerospace related entries for this year's GE/COPAMA Science Day Awards. Our 2015 winners received a crystal diamond shaped award from G.E. and a monetary awards from the COPAMA Scholarship Fund.
First Place: Cole Tucker, 9th Grade, Thomas Worthington High School
"This End Up"
Second Place: Liam Coyne, 7th Grade, Immaculate Conception School
"Aerodynamics at Work"
Third Place: Luke Delbert, 7th Grade, St Michaels School
"Effects of Weight on Takeoff of a Remote Control Airplane"
We want to thank GE Aviation, Mr. Kulp and all our judges for their participation in this years Science Day!
April 14th Meeting - Hartzell Propeller
Our April 14th meeting featured a presentation by Hartzell Tech Rep Alex Krauskopf titled "Hartzell Propeller Basic Maintenance and New Technologies". The evening started with a social gathering at 5:30 with a light dinner around 6:00 and the presentation immediately following. The meeting was posted on the FAASTeam website and attendees who are registered there will receive AMT Award credit.
COPAMA President, Joe Lippert, had a short presentation on next month's meeting, the 2015 Golf Outing and upcoming events over the spring and summer. Those events included the Champaign Lady Gala at Grimes Field on April 18th, the Youth Aviation Adventures Spring outing on May 23rd and their Hangar Fest fundraiser on August 22nd. The Central Ohio Aviation Golf Outing will be held Friday September 11th at the Kyber Run Golf Course in Johnstown, Ohio. More information will be posted as details become available.
Alex's presentation included documentation included with every new propeller purchase, an overview of the data available on the Hartzell Propeller website and many photos showing examples of common damage, corrosion, repairs and conditions that can cause the scrapping of blades, hubs and the whole propeller. He also presented how to identify the features of each prop from their part number and explained the benefits and features of their offerings of composite blade. He discussed items that can be performed by an owner /operator, an A&P technician and some defects and conditions that require the prop to visit a certificated propeller shop.
He also advised the group of Hartzell's technical support group, their in house repair shop and the chance for visitors to their Piqua, Ohio manufacturing facility to take the factory tour that takes about an hour. Call ahead and pre-arrangement is appreciated but drop-ins during their normal working hours are also welcome. We wish to thank Alex and Hartzell for his presentation and the handouts and items he provided for the evening raffle.
May 12th Meeting - Lycoming Engines
Our May meeting was held in Lane Aviation's Media Room with the topic of the night "Engine Care and Maintenance" presented by Mr. Dennis Coulbourn, Regional Sales Manager of Lycoming Engines. The evening weather was great as we gathered for this last meeting of the Spring.
Dennis started his show with a little history about Lycoming and their factory in Williamsport, PA where they've been building engines for 99 years with their first aircraft engine, the R680 radial coming off the assembly line in 1929. Early photos of the factory revealed the transition to the current manufacturing facility as they continue the tradition of producing light powerful powerplants for aviation.
He showed the many engines that they have produced over the years and expanded on their latest technology that includes electronic controls to produce more power and fuel efficient regardless of which fuel is being used. Their goal is to provide engines that will run on upcoming fuels and automotive gasoline as aviation grade 100 low lead is nearing it's end of production.
He discussed Lycoming's product support and some of the issues they see at their repair facility. Oil grades and analysis, tips on keeping the engine running cool and starting techniques for hot engines. He drew on his 8 years on the production line to answer questions and show the web based resources that Lycoming has for it's customers around the world.
We want to thank Dennis and Lycoming for his travel to be with us in Columbus and his informative presentation. The meeting was posted on the FAA Safety website and those who attended received a 1 hour credit toward the AMT/WINGS awards. We now break for the June through August summer break and hope to see everyone at the Central Ohio Aviation Golf Outing on September 11th.
COAGO 2015 - Beautiful Day, Not So Beautiful Ending!
The 2015 Central Ohio Aviation Golf Outing (COAGO) was held on Friday, September 11th At Kyber Run Golf Course, just outside Johnstown, Ohio. This was the 13th year that the Outing has been co-hosted by COPAMA and the Professional Pilots Association (PPA) to raise funds for the COPAMA Scholarship Fund.
Roughly 128 players attended this year's Event. After a moment of silence to observe the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the golfers started off with flags adorning their carts on a spectacular morning.
An oncoming storm front forced an abbreviated lunch, award ceremonies and prize raffle. Due to the haste, an unintentional clerical error occurred during the determination of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams. The issue was resolved before the end of the outing but the storm made retakes of the award photos impossible. The raffle was concluded under the course's shelter with golfers, volunteers and raffle prizes all trying to keep dry.
COAGO 2015 webpage is now available for viewing Sponsors, Team Starting Hole positions and other event data. The final revision is coming soon which will include winning teams and player awards, so please check back.
October 13th Meeting featured Bob Maroldy of T-Data!
Our first meeting of the fall was held on Tuesday, October 13th in Lane Aviation's Media Room on the second floor, 4387 International Gateway. With shifting of topics over the last month, we want to thank Mr. Bob Maroldy of T-Data for presenting the topic "Maintenance Tracking Made Easy".
This month had a short business meeting to open nominations for the upcoming Board of Directors election in November. Joe Lippert and Chuck Jenkins have decided to run for re-election to another two year term. Dave Fragale was nominated to fill the vacant position from Richard Cady's passing. Elections will be held at the November meeting.
Bob's T-Data presentation provided a review of their wide variety of software and web services to support IA research and aviation technical data. He focused on their M-Track program and demonstrated the many functions and points to enter aircraft, engine and accessory data. The software can track multiple aircraft and is stand-alone software. Once purchased, you receive technical assistance for one year with future upgrades being available at your option.
November 10th - "Accidents and Incidents of CMH District"
Our November meeting featured Inspector Mark Harden, FAA Safety Team with a presentation on "Fiscal Year 2014-15 Accidents and Incidents in the CMH District". It was held in the Lane Aviation Media Room and had a good turnout of around 58 people in attendance. Before Mark's presentation, we conducted a short business meeting to elect next year's board members.
The board members up for reelection were Joe Lippert and Charles "Chuck" Jenkins. Dave Fragale was nominated and elected to fill the board position vacated by Richard Cady's passing last January. Board members will meet on November 23rd for an organizational meeting and to choose officers for 2016.
Mark's presentation featured PowerPoint slides of facts and statistics of the accidents and incidents from Columbus District, many still under investigation by the NTSB. Loss of Control was a major factor in many of the accidents after power failure or various other component failure. His message to CFIs and Maintenance instructors in attendance was to re-emphasize to students those flight control skills during training or bi-annual flight reviews.
The meeting was a SPANS event listed at the FAASTeam website to receive WINGS and AMT Award credit. The meeting concluded with a prize raffle and we wish to thank Jim Kulp of General Electric and Jeff Hannie of Flying Colours Corp for contributing the prizes.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Whether you're working to keep air travelers safe, traveling yourself or just enjoying the Holiday, we wish you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at COPAMA!
2015 Holiday Dinner - December 1st at Villa Milano
This year's aviation Holiday Dinner was held at Villa Milano Conference Center , 1630 Schrock Road. Our entertainment speakers for the evening were Mr. George O'Donnell, Mr. Thomas Kromer and Mr. Dick Barrett of the Columbus Historical Society with a presentation about "The Original Port Columbus Terminal and Hangar 1 Stabilization project".
Columbus Historical Society currently has a program at "The Center of Science and Industry" (COSI) entitled "Reaching for the Sky: The History of Columbus Aviation" through spring of 2016.
We hope the attendees enjoyed the opportunity to hear about our rich aviation history here in Columbus and that corner of CMH Airport where it started! Please Visit the 2015 Holiday Dinner page soon to view this year's Sponsors and updated details about the event!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Wishing you, your family and friends all the Joy, Peace and Good Tidings this Holiday Season brings. We're looking forward to our continued relationship in the coming New Year!
2015 News and Information
Board Member and Friend, Richard Cady Passed Away.
After battling Stage 4 cancer for almost a year, it hurts me to say that sometime around 2:00 pm on January 12th, our brother Richard Cady, passed away. I've included the passionate notice from his loving wife, Teresa, below. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to her, their children and grandchildren. Details will be shared as they become available. Rest in Peace, Rich!
Teresa L Cady's post from Facebook
My heart is broken today as I write this note. I am so sad to report that my beloved high school sweetheart and love of almost 40 years has walked into Gods arms today. He fought the cancer demon for months and God finally called him home. No more pain. No more suffering. Today my Angel got his wings.
The Obituary, Visitation and Funeral hours are posted at the Rutherford Funeral Home in Worthington.
Richard and Teresa on the right with their daughter and son-in-law Vicki and Justin Kildoo
at the Holiday Dinner. Bill Hays and Dave Willis are seated on the left.
God Speed, Roger Olson!
FAA Inspector Roger Olson (right) presents Charles Taylor Award to Cliff Marr on March 8th, 2005
I'm sorry to say that another brother in aviation, Roger Olson, passed away on Friday July 24th. He was a past member of the Ohio Army National Guard and an FAA Inspector in both the Louisville and Columbus FSDOs. He last served as Safety Inspector for Ohio and retired due to serious health reasons.
Our thought's and prayers go out to his wife Martha, daughter Rebecca and son Douglas as we mourn his loss with them, their families and friends. The obituary was released in the Columbus Dispatch on Wednesday July 29th, with visitation on Friday the 31st and a memorial service on Saturday. Please click here to view the obituary.
Justin Siak Charles Taylor Award
NetJets Sales Inc. extended an invite to all on Friday, August 14th for the Charles Taylor Award presentation to Aircraft Maintenance Technician, Mr. Justin Siak. Congratulations, Justin, on this 50 year career accomplishment.
Nat Geo's "Living in the Age of Airplanes" played at C.O.S.I.
On Oct. 14, 2015, COSI’s National Geographic Giant Screen Theater premiered “Living in the Age of Airplanes.” The film is narrated by Harrison Ford and highlights rapid advancements that have led to a world in which 100,000 flights take off and land daily.
Beautifully filmed in 18 countries, across all 7 continents, the film renews our appreciation for one of the most extraordinary and awe inspiring inventions in the modern world. Produced and directed by Brian J. Terwilliger (One Six Right), “Living in the Age of Airplanes” features an original score by Academy Award® winning composer James Horner (Avatar, Titanic).
The link above takes you to the movie website which includes two trailers, photos and other information. Please visit this page on the COSI website for all the National Geographic Giant Screen Theater listings which includes show times and Ticket Purchasing. The Vimeo Site features other movies from the director's "Terwilliger Productions".
PAMA National Opens New Website
After having issues related to hackers and some reorganization, PAMA National turned on their new website around the middle of October for their members and the public. Please visit by clicking on the title link above and check out the features, photos and information.
PAMA National Call for Candidate Nominations
PAMA is announcing a call for nomination for our annual elections. As a regular member of PAMA, you have the opportunity to be considered for any open Board of Directors position. As a non-profit organization, PAMA relies on the knowledge and support of its members. Serving on the Board of Directors gives members the occasion to directly impact the direction and operations of the only association serving aviation maintenance technicians.
If you are interested in being considered for the slate, please complete the form located at: http://pama.wildapricot.org/page-18125 . If you prefer to receive a form you can print and mail please contact the PAMA office at 877-901-5410 or nominations@pama.org.
An individual running for a board seat must be nominated by another individual and cannot be self-nominated. Be sure to complete the form and return it by December 7, 2015.
Click here to view the positions that are open this election cycle!
Information on the responsibilities associated with each position can be read at
If you have questions about serving on PAMA’s Board of Directors, please contact Christina Davis at 877-901-5410 or
Andrew Willingham
Chair, Nominations Committee
YAA HangarFest, Saturday August 22nd! One Great Event!
YAA conducted this year's HangarFest at OSU Airport's Hangar #8. The weather was perfect and lots of people turned out to share in the auctions and fanfare of this year's fundraiser. Entertainment was provided by the CBUS Big Band, a group of Swing dancers who danced to the music, Catering by Cameron Mitchell and static display aircraft on the ramp.
Admission was free and you may find more information about YAA and the event at www.youthaviationadventure.org. If you weren't able to attend, please consider making a donation at their website above.
COPAMA President, Joe Lippert made a $1000 donation from the COPAMA Scholarship Fund to help them provide training for youth interested in aviation. We send our congratulations to Rick Ochs, Tim Beech and all the HangarFest Committee and volunteers that helped make the event so memorable!
Wishing You A Happy 4th of July!
Happy Memorial Day!
Wishing you a Happy Memorial Day from all of us at COPAMA.
May 24th - National Aviation Maintenance Technician Day
This weekend marks the celebration of two National Events. Foremost is the
Memorial Day Weekend but it just so happens that so does National AMT Day and
Charles Taylor's 147th Birthday.
Charles Taylor, also known as the "Third Wright Brother", built the engine and other parts that powered the Wright Flyer from the hills of Kitty Hawk. The Charles Taylor Award is the FAA's highest honor to those Aircraft Technicians that have given 50 years of service in keeping the aviation industry safe.
We hope you take time on Sunday to think about the Aircraft Technicians around the United States that help keep our industry one of the safest forms of transportation.
This page was last updated on 12/22/21.