Willow Run Golf Course, September 6th, 2019
We want to thank our Central Ohio Aviators
and Sponsors for their great support of this year's event.
Proceeds raised $10,452 for the COPAMA Scholarship Fund.
Winning Teams and Awards
Welcome to COAGO 2019!
This year's Central Ohio Aviation Golf Outing was held Friday September 6th at the Willow Run Golf Course. The weather couldn't have been more perfect with a cool, clear morning and warm sunny skies for afternoon play.
This year's event entertained 116 golfers and made $10,452 with all proceeds going to the COPAMA Scholarship Fund. It's primary goal is providing help paying for certification testing of new AMTs.
We'd like to Thank the following Sponsors for their outstanding support of this year's Central Ohio Aviation Golf Outing and the management and staff of Willow Run Golf Course for their help in making it happen!
Dinner Sponsor - Lane Aviation
Trophy Sponsor - West Star Aviation
Breakfast Sponsor - Bombardier
Snack at the Turn Sponsor - Dallas Airmotive
Beverage Cart Sponsors
Duncan Aviation, Gogo Business and Support Air
Hole Sponsors
Aero Battery,
Constant Aviation,
FlightSafety International,
Flight Star Corporation,
Global Jet Services,
Gogo Business Aviation,
Rockwell Collins,
Satcom Direct,
Signature Flight Support,
Spirit Aeronautics,
Standard Aero,
Tritex Corporation,
Turbine Engine Specialists
The Richard Cady Memorial Hole
COPAMA Scholarship Fund Donation - Apex Detailing
Winning Teams and Awards

First Place Team - Jay Shipman (53)
Heath Beecher, Trey Curran, Jay Shipman and Zach Miller

Second Place Team - Jet Select (58)
Tie (broken by coin toss)
Mike Limbert, Kevin Redifer, Greg Marcussen and
Brian Broom

Third Place Team - Air Inspection Services (58) Tie (broken by coin toss)
James Seymour, Nate Cichon, Jeremy Gibson and Tyler Henry
Longest Drive Sponsor - Signature Flight Support - Winner James Seymour
Closest to the Pin Sponsor - FlightSafety International - Winner Jay Shipman
Global Jet Support Stress Ball Longest Drive Winner - Mike Limbert
FlightStar Competition
Collins Aerospace
Thanks to our Volunteers
Joe Lippert, Steve Brown, Jeff Gruber, Erick Hildebrandt, Chuck Jenkins,
Earl Redmond Gene Sprang and Lowell Dowler!
A word from COAGO Chairperson - Joe Lippert
To All of You,
I want to thank all of you who sponsored and
participated in COAGO2019 today. It turned out to be a great day for all of us.
I was skeptical as I drove into the course this morning at 0545 with rain on my
windshield, but it all turned out great!
This was our 17th year holding this event
and year after year, you all step up and support COPAMA's effort to raise funds
for FAA airframe and powerplant testing for Columbus State Community College
students and the other philanthropic endeavors we pursue.
Please know that I speak for the entire
COPAMA board when I say that we are very grateful for your support and do not
take one minute or one penny for granted. Thank you for your time, your support,
and your effort to help make this outing a great success. I hope to see you all
again next year, if not sooner. Until then, any feedback to make this event even
better is strongly encouraged. Please tell us what you would like to see
different, be it the day, the caliber of course(which ultimately means higher
prices), or spot on the calendar. We are listening.
We are always looking for people to join us
at COPAMA. If you are looking for an opportunity to give back to the industry
that puts food on your table, come join us. We will be taking applications for
scholarships this fall. If you would like to see first hand where your dollars
are going, join us in screening the most deserving students for scholarship
dollars to pursue a career in aviation maintenance.
Joe Lippert
COPAMA President
Hope to see you all next year!
The above photo shows starting tee locations for the holes at Willow Run Golf Course. For those who are interested in reviewing the course, you may download the Starting Tee locations file and load it into the Google Earth application. Once loaded, zoom-in to view bunker and hazard locations and use the distance tool to measure distances from landmarks of your own choice.
Photos from the Event.
This page was last updated on 12/22/21.