These are the events that COPAMA hosts throughout the year.

The Central Ohio Aviation Golf Outing (COAGO)
Held in September and Co-Hosted with Professional Pilots Association
Every year in September, Central Ohio aviators look forward to this day of golf with their friends and coworkers. This year, we had beautiful weather and a great turnout the COAGO event. 138 players teed off on September 5th to enjoy a day of relaxation, food and raffle prizes for our local aviators, sponsors and guests.
This event, which is co-hosted by the Professional Pilots Association (PPA), has been the main fundraiser for the COPAMA Scholarship Fund which provides monetary awards for tuition and testing fees of local student Aviation Maintenance Technicians. The event proceeds will keep the fund ready to help those who request testing scholarship help for next year.
Click on the logo above for more information about
the course. The
Outing Report is ready to view and you may visit the
Outing Photos by visiting
our photo gallery album 8.
The Holiday Dinner
Held in early December and Co-Hosted with Professional Pilots Association
This event allows us to gather with friends and family and enjoy the spirit of the of the upcoming Holiday Season. Over the last
few years,
the Villa Milano restaurant has provided a beautiful venue for all who attended.
The evening includes a light aviation topic geared toward spouse and friend participation. Last years presentation was by Mike Kent, Retired Master Sergeant USAF on his Experiences in Antarctic Air Operations. His PowerPoint presentation was filled with information about the continent at the bottom of our planet which included statistics, photos and his personal experience from that land that makes even the coldest winter day in Central Ohio, seem warm.
Tuesday December 9th has been chosen for this years Holiday Dinner and we'll once again use the Villa Milano to host the event with PPA. The ticket provides for dinner and a cash bar is available. Raffle prizes are donated for several raffles that include a main raffle to help fund the Sam Dodge Memorial Endowment through the Columbus State Community College Development Fund.
Our entertainment speaker will be Dwight Jarboe of MMS Aviation at Coshocton County Airport. The topic will be Missionay Maintenance Services, their training program and support for Missionary Aircraft around the world. Sponsor Forms are now available on the Holiday Dinner web page. You may also purchase Dinner and Raffle Tickets and Beverage Coupons. Please Mark your calendars now to save that day and plan to attend!
The Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium
Held in March and Co-Hosted with C.S.C.C. Aviation Maintenance Technology
Each year, we are happy to co-host the Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium with Columbus State Community College Aviation Maintenance Technology facility at Bolton Field. The event provided contact with vendors and presentations to help attendees meet the requirements for next years IA renewal.
Representatives from the Columbus and Cincinnati Flight Standards District Offices also attend to provide information and FAA training sessions throughout the two day event.
The site of the 2014 Maintenance Symposium moved to the Columbus State Community College Conference Center, located in the Center for Workforce Development Building, on Columbus State's main campus. The format changed to a One Day, Single Session event in 2014. The session was developed by the FAASTeam Program Manager, Inspector Mark Harden with registration made through the FAA Safety website,
Please check their website above for information on past years events and next years vendor forms, schedules and other information.
Other COPAMA Interests
Ohio District 7 Science Day
As an extension to the youth of Central Ohio we participate as sponsor judges for aviation related science projects at the District 7 Science Day. The event is held in March on the main campus of Columbus State Community College and exhibits projects from Elementary, Middle and High School students. Click on the logo above to visit CSCC's Science Day site.
COPAMA provides three monetary and two honorary awards in hopes of encouraging youth to enter into the aviation and aerospace industry. Please visit our Scholarship page to view some of the students and entries that have won in past years!
Youth Aviation Adventures
YAA holds
events in May and September which provide educational opportunities for those youth interested
in career paths in aviation. Each youth progresses through a series of learning stations where
they can learn about aircraft, flying and other aviation related experiences.
YAA has several squadrons across the United States and our local group holds their events at The Ohio State University Airport. COPAMA has provided support for YAA through volunteer and monetary means. Click on their logo to learn more about YAA, their fundraising "Hangar Bash" and how to start a squadron for the youth in your area.
This page was last updated on 12/22/21.