Our 2010 Calendar
January 12th | Hi-Line |
February 9th | Cancelled due to Winter Storm. |
March 17th/18th | Maintenance Symposium at CSCC AMT |
March 20th | District 7 Science Day at CSCC |
April 13th | Aero Battery |
April 16th/19th | Dayton Hosts Doolittle Raiders |
May 11th | Lycoming Engines |
May 15th | Youth Aviation Adventures at OSU Airport |
July 16th | "Uncle Joe Wells" Celebrates 94th Birthday |
September 14th | Expert Aerospace Solutions |
September 10th | COAGO 2010 at Willow Run Golf Course |
October 12th | Parker - Cleveland Wheel and Brake |
November 9th | FAAST Team Presentation - Election |
November 10 | Veteran's Day Story - 1945 Journey Home |
December 7th | 2010 Holiday Dinner - Lane Aviation Story - Villa Milano |
HI-LINE Sponsors January Meeting
The 2010 Testing Scholarship recipients were also announce during the meeting. This and other meeting discussions such as the deadline for AMT Award submissions and a NPRM regarding Security at Certified Repair Stations may be viewed by clicking on this Meeting Minutes link.
February 9th Meeting Cancelled due to Winter Storm.
Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium, March 17 & 18 at CSCC AMT Facility.
We were happy to co-host this years Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium with Columbus State
Community College at their Aviation Maintenance Technology facility at Bolton
Field. The event provided contact with vendors and presentations to help
attendees meet the requirements for next years IA renewal. Representatives from
the Columbus and Cincinnati Flight Standards District Offices were also there to
provide information and FAA training sessions throughout the two day event.
Our many thanks to those vendors that provided products and gifts for door prizes and the COPAMA Scholarship Fund raffles. This years $641.00 was raised to provide testing and scholarship dollars to student aviation technicians as they get ready to enter the aviation industry. We'd like to acknowledge those vendors that gave a little extra to help provide the morning and afternoon breaks. They are Rapco Inc and Standard Aero for breakfast and Chance Aviation, Flightdocs Inc, Rapco Inc and Tempest Plus for afternoon snack. Please click on the logo to go to the CSCC website for photos and summary information about this and previous year's events.
COPAMA Takes Part in 2010 District Science Day, March 20th.
Once again COPAMA participated as one of the many Sponsored Awards at
this years District Science Day held at the Columbus State Community College Main Campus.
Judging took place in the morning with Cliff Kelling, Earl Redmond, Paul Tursic,
Joe Lippert, Jeff Gruber and Lowell Dowler interviewing the student entries.
Our thanks to them and especially Jeff who stayed to give out the awards in the
award assembly in early afternoon. For details about the event, click on the logo above.
Congratulations to all these scholarly youth from around Central Ohio.
2010 District Science Day Award Winners (L-R).
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1st Place, David Parkhill, |
2nd Place, Reilly Mengel, |
3rd Place, Aron Aziz, |
Honorable Mentions go to..
Alex Macias, 8th Grade St Paul's Middle School, "Do Winglets Improve Flight Performance?"
Benjamin Shershen, 7th Grade Dominion Middle School, "Testing Good Aerodynamic Design with High Performance Gliders."
If you have questions about COPAMA's participation, please send us an email at mail@copama.org.
Aero Battery Sponsors April 13th Meeting.
want to thank Gary McCauley and Aero Battery who volunteered on short notice to sponsor
and speak at our April meeting. Gary presented his IA renewal approved program "Battery Maintenance,
Servicing, and Overhaul" which included a history lesson on the early years of Aero Battery.
Please click on the logo to go to their website for more information about their services and products.
Click here to view the minutes of the meeting recorded by Jeff Gruber, our Secretary. Due to scheduling conflict,
the presentation by Bruce Stetler on the Olympus line of NDT products originally scheduled for April meeting
will be later in the year.
Terms and procedures have been changing in the world of battery maintenance. For example, the latest revisions to the Saft Battery manual has dropped the term "Deep Cycle" using newer terms like Periodic, Regular and even Restoration, to name a few. There's always something new to learn in maintaining these critical parts for starting engines and emergency power!
Dayton Played Host to Doolittle Raiders April 16-19.
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Original Article written by Robert Buchwalter Saturday, 30 January 2010 02:09
The B25s are on final approach!
On April 15, 16, 17, and 18, 2009. the Champaign Aviation Museum at Grimes Field in Urbana, Ohio welcomed up to 20 to 25 B-25 Mitchell bombers! Grimes Field was the host field and staging airport for these wonderful airplanes as they took part in the 68th and final Doolittle Raiders public reunion.
These high-performance medium bombers were at Grimes Field from Thursday until Saturday morning. A formation departure was made Saturday morning as the airplanes flew off to participate in the reunion festivities. They returned to Grimes Field in formation on Sunday. Their activities, when finalized, will be posted on this site. Champaign Aviation Museum
The Doolittle Raiders, using the B 25, altered the course of the war in the Pacific and this is your chance to see the type of airplane that changed history. The crews of these airplanes were on hand Friday, April 16, 2010, from approximately 0800 to 1700. A five dollar donation gave visitors ramp access which was limited on Thursday, Friday & Saturday due to stringent safety concerns, weather, and possible flight operation schedules. This allowed an even closer look at the one of the cleanest, most aggressively attractive airframes ever built.
These airplanes have been carefully restored to combat status. They served in war and continue to serve as flying memorials to the men and women of the Greatest Generation: the people of our grandparents' generation who gave their all in order that we can live in freedom. These airplanes are exceptionally expensive to fly and maintain but it is important that they continue to fly and remind future generations that freedom isn't free. Tom Casey was the coordinator for this event.
The above information provided by the Ohio Regional Business Aviation Association.
Lycoming Sponsors May 11th Meeting.
Lycoming sponsored our May meeting and featured an informative presentation by Ray Crist
on the company's history, their product lines of engines and support issues.
Beginning business in 1845 as Demorest Manufacturing Company, their plant in Williamsport, PA has manufactured sewing machines, bicycles, typewriters and engines for ground transportation vehicles. In 1939 they produced their first aircraft engine and have concentrated on only that product line ever since. Many thanks to Ray and Lycoming for sponsoring the meeting! Please click on the logo to learn more about Lycoming Engines and view the Meeting Minutes submitted by Secretary, Jeff Gruber.
This was the last meeting before the summer break. See you in September!
Youth Aviation Adventures at OSU Airport - May 15th.
Again in 2010, youth from all over Central Ohio gathered at OSU Airport to participate in the Spring.
This educational and informational event provided learning stations and exhibits for youth interested in aviation.
Local Scout groups also used this experience toward their Aviation Merit Badge.
This marks the third year that the volunteers have organized their displays and educational presentations to give these future aviators a glimpse of how an aircraft operates and the different employment opportunities at our airports.
Thanks to all the volunteers and the staff of Ohio State University Airport that pulled their time and talents together to provide the attendees a day to remember. The COPAMA Scholarship Fund awarded $1000.00 to help sponsor this years events and YAA is planning a fund raising "Hangar Bash" this August at Port Columbus. Make plans to attend and help continue this learning experience for Central Ohio youth.
"Uncle Joe" Wells Celebrates 94th Birthday!
Nearly everyone who has worked at the Ohio State University Airport
knows about Joe Wells who long ago received the honorary status of "Uncle". On Friday, July 16th, he and his
friends gathered at "The Barnstormer Restaurant"
to celebrate his 94th birthday. We wish him well as he reaches this milestone in his life.
Joe received the Charles Taylor Award in May 1999 and the Wright Brother's Master Pilot Award in February 2005. Lindy Lusch has provided a "Summary of Joe's Life and Career" which included being an aircraft mechanic for the National Guard and building a Glasair aircraft. Please click on the link to read about some of his many accomplishments!
For those who have known Joe or worked with him, we invite them to email us at mail@copama.org with your birthday wishes and messages. We'll collect them and pass them on to Joe for reading. We'd like to thank the folks at "The Barnstormer" restaurant for arranging and providing space for this small get together and hope you'll consider repaying their kindness by stopping by for breakfast, lunch or a cup of coffee the next time you're around OSU Airport. Click on the logo and links for more information about OSU Airport and "The Barnstormer"!
September Kick-Off Meeting held on the 14th.
This years Kick-Off meeting was a little different from years past with the meeting happening
the week after the Golf Outing. It still included the pulled pork and trimmings for dinner but
had a sudden change in topic due to a pop-up sales meeting by our previously scheduled sponsor, Olympus NDT.
We're happy that Tom Sheckler of Expert Aerospace Solutions, LLC was available to speak about a timely topic of "Career Confidence During Unstable Times". Tom is Senior Consultant, President and Proprietor of E.A.S. and we want to thank him for volunteering to speak on short notice. Please click on the photo to view Tom's credentials on Linkedin.com.
The Meeting Minutes included information about next months nominations for four opening board positions up for election in November, FAASTeam information about upcoming IA Renewal Symposiums and information about the 2010 Golf Outing. Please click on the link to view the complete minutes of the meeting submitted by Jeff Gruber, our Secretary.
News about a Friend of COPAMA.
We at COPAMA learned in September that Jim Huntoon had accepted a new sales position for Dallas Airmotive.
Jim leaves his position at Comlux Completions, USA in good hands as another friend, Matt Richardson,
will take over his territory here in Ohio. We'll update this notice as we learn more about his new territory.
The photo above shows Jim as he spoke about remembering the victims of 9/11 at the 2010 golf outing.
Jim has been a strong supporter of our chapter and has served it in many capacities with direct support and being a member of the Golf Outing and Topics Committees. He currently resides in Florida with this wife and children and is looking forward to spending a little less time on the road with his new position. We wish him and his family well as he starts this new chapter in his aviation career.
8th Annual Central Ohio Aviation Golf Outing!
Just like last year, we had beautiful weather and the turnout was a new record for the COAGO event. 158 players teed off on September 10th to enjoy a day of relaxation, food and raffle prizes for our local aviators, sponsors and guests.
This event, which is co-hosted by the Professional Pilots Association (PPA), has been the main fundraiser for the COPAMA Scholarship Fund which provides monetary awards for tuition and testing fees of local student Aviation Maintenance Technicians. While we still have a few expenses to be determined, the event proceeds will keep the fund ready to help those who request testing scholarship help for next year.
Click on the logo above for more information about the course. The 2010 Outing Report is available to view with the Team and Other Photos in the second album of our Photo Gallery.
COAGO 2010 Results
1st Place Team - 61 - Aero Battery Team 1, Gary McCauley, Larry McCauley, Jay Winert and Tim Meriman
2nd Place Team - 61 - Dassault Aircraft Services, Dave Godo, Matt Jones, Jimmy Hinterman and Tom Buhr
3rd Place Team - 62 - Lane Aviation 3, Tony Mosely, Mark Slack, Nick Moore and James Seymour
Longest Drive - Holley Cantererucci Closest to the Pin - Tom Buhr
This years event raised $8,091.77 for the COPAMA Scholarship Fund!
Many thanks to our Sponsors, Players, Volunteers
Staff of the Willow Run Golf Course
for making the 2010 event so grand!
Beverage Cart Sponsors
Honeywell Aerospace |
Lane Aviation |
Odyssey Aviation |
Capital City Jet Center |
Breakfast Sponsor - Dassault Aircraft Services
Lunch Sponsor - Dallas Airmotive
Snack at the Turn Sponsor - CSCC Aviation Maintenance Technology
Winner's Trophies Sponsor- Constant Aviation
Longest Drive Sponsor - West Star Aviation
Closest to the Pin Sponsor - Apex Aircraft Detailing
Hole Sponsors
Thank you COAGO Players for such a great response!
COPAMA and PPA are both 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organizations.
October Sponsor is Cleveland Wheel and Brake.
The October meeting was sponsored by Cleveland Wheel and Brake
and featured a presentation by Vern Rodgers on their line of wheels and brakes,
troubleshooting tips and product support. We want to thank him for pointing out
problem areas to be inspected and possible repairs that may be necessary during a brake
inspection/overhaul. His presentation also pointed out publications that are available
on Parker's website. Vern's office is the main point of contact for product support
and he offered his help in finding information that Cleveland Wheel & Brake has available
for it's customers and distributors. Please click on their logo to visit the Parker website
and their resources on the web.
Ted Bowden of Tool Testing Lab in Vandalia spoke about the changes in the State Tax regulations that took place last year. The changes allow those engaged in the repair, remodeling and testing of aircraft and avionics here in Ohio to be exempt from paying sales or use tax on parts, tools and materials. Ted brought handouts with information that may be found at the Ohio.gov, Department of Taxation website. The document titled "ST2008-04 Jan 2010 revision - Sales and Use Tax: Aircraft Parts and Repair" issued August 2008, Revised January 2009 is something you may want to pass on to your financial officer or tax accountant. It could possibly save you from paying sales or use tax (around 7%) on certain items. We want to thank Ted for passing on this money saving tax tip and hope you'll consider using his service for recertifying and calibrating tools that includes weekly pickups in the Columbus and Cincinnati areas.
The evenings schedule also included a chili cook-off with pots named "White Lightning" and "Buffalo" to name a few. While no decision was made in who's chili was #1, we all enjoyed the "favorite recipes" that were brought to share and be judged. A short business meeting was held for nominations to elect persons to fill our expiring board of director positions. Nominees for the opening positions are Lowell Dowler, Jeff Gruber, Earl Redmond and Gene Sprang. We're waiting for replies from a few other nominees that we unable to attend this evenings meeting and will list the full ballot on this website when finalized. If you've ever thought about being a part of COPAMA's leadership, please consider running for one of the four positions to be elected at the November meeting. The term is for two years and we elect four board members in even and three in odd numbered years.
Click here to view the minutes of the meeting.
November 9th Meeting featured FAAST Team Presentation - Election

Our November meeting featured a presentation by Mark Kimmel, our FAASTeam Program Manager for Ohio. The meeting started with a short business meeting to elect our replacement Board members for the 2011-2012 term. They are returning board members Jeff Gruber, Gene Sprang and Lowell Dowler and new member Earl Redmond. We wish to thank our current Vice President and Golf Outing Chairperson, Irv Schumacher for all his help as he leaves the board in December. We will have a special award ceremony to thank him for his time on the board and contribution to COPAMA.
We had a special visitor, Norm Burmaster from the "Champaign Lady, B17 Flying Fortress project in Urbana, Ohio give a brief summary of their project and their recent move of the airframe into it's new facility at Grimes Field. They currently have to website links with the new in the link above. When you get to the Champaign Lady site, click on their "Links" page to get to the original site. We want to thank Norm for the information about their B-17 and other aircraft a wish him and the group well in their finishing the project. They currently have an issue with a chemical milling process for new spars and if you have any information related to other restorations that have traversed this obstacle, please pass it on to the group via the email link on their website.
Mark Kimmel's presentation on "Aircraft Airworthiness" which discussed the CFRs related to the subject and pitfalls the maintenance personnel happen into. There were suggestions on how to avoid those traps in the regulations and encouragement to participate in the FAA Safety program. We want to thank Mark for his informative presentation and discussion. The evening concluded with our raffle drawing.
The meeting minutes are now available by clicking the link.
A Special Veteran's Day Story. Thank you Vets!

65 years ago on November 10th, 1945, a ship named the USS Wayne left port in Leyte, Philippines to bring it's cargo of Veteran's home after World War II. On November 24th, 1945, a paper was published for the crew and passengers to inform them of news and items that occurred on the trip and leave them with a keepsake to lock those memories in time.
That document, The Fore 'N Aft newspaper, is the basis for this special Veteran's Day Story as we remember all our Veteran's on November 10th. The page is called 1945 Journey Home and we invite you to visit, stay a while and explore the world of 1945 and the troop's experiences as they returned from the Pacific. Due to a number of programs that go by the Journey Home name, we have added the year to the title to help direct web surfers to this specific topic.
We want to thank our men and women of the armed services for their dedication and commitment, both past and present!
COPAMA Board elects officers for 2011
The COPAMA Board for 2011 met for the first time to elect officers and discuss issues for the upcoming year. The officers will be, President - Gene Sprang, Vice-President - Joe Lippert, Secretary - Paul Tursic and Treasurer - Bill Reinert. The first three officers will transfer immediately with the treasurer transitioning over the first three months to accommodate year end accounting and tax reporting for 2010.
One of the topics discussed at the meeting was the difficulty of finding sponsor/presenters for our regular monthly meetings. The recent economic conditions and budget restraints have understandably affected the commitments from vendors. While we continue to search for sponsors for next year's meetings, we have decided to replace the September meeting with the Golf Outing and reduce the regular meetings to six.
While we feel this a temporary change until economic times in our industry improve, we continue to look for ways to fulfill our mission of continuing education for our members. If you or your company would be interested in being a meeting sponsor and/or presenter, please contact us at mail@copama.org.
Villa Milano site for 2010 Holiday Dinner held on Dec 7th!
Lane Aviation's 75th Anniversary of Operations
This year's Holiday Dinner, which was co-hosted by the Professional Pilot's Assn and COPAMA, was held Tuesday December 7th at the Villa Milano Banquet & Conference Center, 1630 Schrock Road, in Columbus, Ohio. The night included dinner, a cash bar and raffles full of prizes to be enjoyed by all who attended from around our aviation community.
The evenings festivities began with drinks and a wonderful dinner which included beef, chicken, lasagna, mixed vegetables and salad with spumoni ice cream for dessert. Then presentations were given to the group by COPAMA President, Gene Sprang and PPA President Ken Ramos about their respective groups and the relationship both organizations share to host this event. A "Certificate of Appreciation" plaque was on display for outgoing Board Member, Vice President and Golf Outing Chairman, Irv Schumacher, who was unable to attend the event. We'll present the plaque to Irv and thank him for his many contributions to COPAMA at our next meeting.
Our guest speaker, Tom Deuber, President of Lane Aviation, gave an interesting and informative presentation on the History of Port Columbus Airport and Lane's 75 years of supporting Central Ohio Aviation. Tom spoke of Foster Lane's start as a general repair mechanic at the age of 16. In 1925, after hearing a few of his customers talk about that new technology the Wright Brothers were building in Dayton, his business interests changed to the new field of Aviation. He decided to buy his first airplane in 1928 and barnstormed until he went to work for Dugan in Cleveland in 1929. He made it through the "Hamburger Days of Aviation" that we know as "The Depression" by eating peanut butter sandwiches instead of the more expensive hamburgers.
In 1933, he moved his operation to the relatively new "Port Columbus Airport" which is where the story of Lane Aviation's FBO begins. During World War II when the Navy took over operations at CMH, he operated out of old Sullivan Field on the west side of town. He then taught military cadets at OSU Airport, graduating a platoon of new aviators every 4 weeks. After the war, he moved back to Port Columbus to build the complex that now includes 6 hangars adjacent to the main terminal and an operation at Rickenbacker International Airport. Lane's operation includes full flight line service, fueling, maintenance, parts support and charter services to Central Ohio. We want to thank Tom for his sharing of the Lane Aviation story and congratulate him and the staff of Lane for their 75 years of aviation support.
Proceeds from the Main and 50/50 raffles totaling $658.00 will go to the Sam Dodge Memorial Scholarship Fund which is an Endowment through the Columbus State Community College Development Foundation. The fund was established to honor Sam who was the Parts Department manager at Lane for may years and provides scholarships to aviation technicians at CSCC. We want to thank Chuck Kassor for donating back his winning portion of the 50/50 raffle back to this worthy cause.
Special thanks go to the management and staff at the Villa Milano and Jeff Gruber, this year's Holiday Dinner chairman and his host of volunteers that helped make this years event so memorable!
The 2010 Holiday Dinner Sponsors were...
We extend our many thanks to them and those who provided raffle prizes for bringing us this chance for Holiday Cheer!
Photos from the Dinner
COPAMA President Gene Sprang speaks about the Sam Dodge Memorial and Nationwide Insurance contribution.

PPA President Ken Ramos Lane Aviation President Tom Deuber

Lane was Diamond Sponsor of the event. Jeff Gruber - Holiday Dinner Chairperson.

Holiday Dinner Volunteers Raffle Prizes donated by Sponsors.

2010 Happy New Year Wish from COPAMA
All of us at COPAMA wish you a safe and happy Holiday Season! During this time of celebration, it's always nice to have time off from work and the normal routines of everyday life. We've added a few special links below to share with you when you're not visiting with family and friends.
The first two links are for safety and address issues with fires in laptop computers with lithium-ion batteries and how to deal with them in an enclosed space like an aircraft. The second link from the FAA shows the effectiveness of various fire extinquishing methods.
Laptop Fire Video 1 FAA Laptop Fire VideoThe next link is to a Quantas Airlines site that allows you to take a panoramic tour of an Airbus A380. Just click and hold the left mouse button to drag the image around.
3D Visit of an Airbus A380This last link is to photos taken on an Aerial Tour of the United States in a Piper Cub. It has some really beautiful photos!
Vintage Flying Aerial TourWe're currently trying to fill our calendar for 2011 and still have a few months open for sponsors and presentations. If you'd be interested in sponsoring and/or have a presentation you'd like to give to the group, send us an email at mail@copama.org. Please check back as we update the site over the next few week with information about next years activities.
Thank you for your support of COPAMA and taking time to visit our website!
This page was last updated on 12/22/21.