2023 Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium
Eastland Career Center - Monday, March
20th 2023
Symposium Schedule
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Information from this years Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium Event!
The 2023 Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium was a big success. Here are the photos and other information about the event!
271 were pre-registered through the FAASTeam website with and estimated 310
in total attendance.
They represent the IA's, Mechanics and Inspectors from
GL07, Cleveland GL25, and Cincinnati GL05 FSDOs.
want to thank all the vendors, presentors and the Eastland Career Center and
COPAMA volunteers who helped with the symposium.
Thanks to all who attended and hope to see your next year!
Eastland Career Center Volunters, FAA Photos, Vendor Listing , Vendor Photos , Food Trucks
FAA Opening and COPAMA Scholarship Fund Presentation
The Symposium opening was headed by FAA FAASTeam Inpector Paul Gillenwater from the Columbus FSDO. Cincinnati and Cleveland FSDO representatives were also present for registration and presentations.
COPAMA Boardmember Steve Brown presented the check for $525.00 to MMS Aviation Director of Training, Bob Schwartz for Apprentice Kyle Wagoner. The scholarship check will pay for the 3 computer written tests now costing $175 each for the completion of his 30 month training and A&P Certificates.
Kyle is expecting to complete his Apprenticeship with MMS Aviation this summer and he and his wife have been excepted to work with MARC (Mission Aviation Repair Center) in Soldotna, Alaska. Kyle hopes to move his family to Alaska in 2024 after the birth of their fourth child.
We wish him well as he goes to support missionary aircraft throughout the world.
FAA Photos
Cincinnati, Cleveland and Columbus FSDO Inspectors
FAA Inspectors (L to R)
Paul Gillenwater- Airworthiness FPM GL07 (Columbus)
Mark Auer- Ops FPM GL07 (Columbus)
Joe Schott- Airworthiness FPM GL05 (Cincinnati)
Mike Emmerich- Ops FPM GL25 (Cleveland)
Arny Wolfe- Airworthiness FPM GL25 (Cleveland)
Jason Forshey- Ops FPM GL05 (Cincinnati)
Eastland Career Center Volunteers
Eastland Career Center Aviation Instructor Alex D'Ettorre posees with the student volunteers who returned on spring break to help set up and tear down for the symposium. They aslo attended the symposium to help with logistics. We want to thank them for their help and the use of their beautiful Technologies Center for the Symposium.
Central Ohio Professional Aviation Maintenance Association (COPAMA)
COPAMA President Charles Jenkins and Secretary Gene Sprang man the COPAMA raffle table. Other COPAMA members in attendance were Steve Brown, Bill Otte and Lowell Dowler.
Thanks to all the vendors who provided prises and certificates for the raffel which brought in $693.00 to add to the $6009.11 proceeds of the symposium. Checks for $3004.56 will go to the E.C.C. Antonio's Aviation Legancy, Inc. COPAMA Scholarship Funds.
Antonio was a 17 year old aviation student at E.C.C. from Pickerington who was walking to work on Thursday August 12th, 2021 and tragically hit by a truck while crossing Refugee Rd. A Go-Fund-Me page created at the time of his death raised over $20,000.
Engineering Technologies Center
Eastland Career Center
4465 S. Hamilton Road,
Groveport, Ohio 43125
Many Thanks to all the vendors that attended and helped to make it happen!
2023 Vendor List
Break Sponsor | Satcom Direct | John Salame |
Vendor gallery and booth photos
Many thanks to the Food Trucks which provided lunch!
Find these and other Street Food Trucks on the StreetFoodFinder App!
Eastland Career Center Aviation Pathways Program
E.C.C.'s Aviation Pathways Program exposes their students to Piloting, Maintenance, A.T.C., Airport Management and Drone training to pass the Part 107 UAS Certification. They get a well rounded idea of aviation so they can decide which career path to choose after High School graduation.
The Engineering Technologies Center opened in August 2021. Along with the Aviation program which provides training for up to 30 Junior and Senior students from affiliated regional High Schools. The building houses Welding, Pre-Engineering, Computer Controlled Manufacturing, Electrician and other technical courses for High School and Adult continuing education classes in the evening.
This page was last updated on 02/05/24.