2024 Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium
Eastland Career Center - Tuesday, March
26th 2024
Symposium Schedule

Information from this years Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium Event!
The 2024 Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium was another big success. Here are the photos and other information about the event!
260 were pre-registered through the FAASTeam website with and estimated 300
in total attendance. Attendees were from all three Ohio FSDOs, Cincinnati
GL05, Columbus GL07 and Cleveland GL25.
We want to thank all the vendors, presentors and the Eastland Career Center
COPAMA volunteers who helped with the symposium.
Special thanks to all who attended and hope to see your next year!
Eastland Career Center Volunters, FAA Photos, Vendor Listing , Vendor Photos , Food Trucks
FAA Opening and COPAMA Scholarship Fund Presentation
The Symposium opening was headed by FAA FAASTeam Inpector Paul Gillenwater from the Columbus FSDO. Cincinnati and Cleveland FSDO representatives were also present for registration and presentations.
Opening Session conducted by Inspector Paul Gillenwater
Tim Obarow from MMS accepts Scholarship check from Steve Brown for Matthew Carter
COPAMA Boardmember Steve Brown presented the check for $350.00 to MMS DOM Tim Obarow for MMS Aviation's Apprentice Matthew Carter. The scholarship funds will pay for 2 computer written tests now costing $175 each for the completion of his 30 month training and AIrframe Certificate.
Matthew Carter is already a member of Mission Aviation Fellowship - US, based in Nampa Idaho. Though originally planning to be a pilot with MAF, due to the increasing need for avionics technicians, Matthew has agreed to become the technician that will travel to the various bases around the world. In order to qualify for this role, Matthew will need his FAA Airframe certificate.
We wish him well as he goes to support missionary aircraft throughout the world.
FAA Photos
Cincinnati, Cleveland and Columbus FSDO Inspectors
Columbus FSDO Inspectors GL07
L - R Inspectors Paul Gillenwater, Joe Korecz, Nathan Poare, Mike Watkins , Todd Caruso, Aaron Virgin, Brittany Witzberger,
FSDO Manager Kevin Tyree, Bill Cummins and Aaron Patterson
Cincinnati FSDO Inspectors GL05
Jason Forshey- Ops FPM and Joe Schott- Airworthiness FPM
Aviation Safety Inspector Mike Millard GAO AFS-830
Cleveland FSDO Inspectors GL25
L - R Inspectors Ron Schwachenwald, Tomast Bokotey, Steven Truesdale and Arnold (Arnie) Wolfe
Eastland Career Center Volunteers
Eastland Career Center Volunteers
Eastland Career Center Aviation Instructor Matt McGregor posees with the student volunteers who returned on spring break to help set up and tear down for the symposium. They aslo attended the symposium to help with logistics. We want to thank them for thier help and the Center for the use of their beautiful new Technologies Center for the Symposium.
Eastland Career Center Technical Support
Central Ohio Professional Aviation Maintenance Association (COPAMA)
COPAMA President Charles Jenkins and Secretary Gene Sprang man the COPAMA raffle table. Other COPAMA members in attendance were Steve Brown, Bill Otte and Lowell Dowler.
Thanks to all the vendors who provided prises and certificates for the raffel which brought in $549.00 to add to the $5300.00 proceeds of the symposium. Checks for $2498.96 will go to the E.C.C. Antonio Vincent Rosa Memorial and COPAMA Scholarship Funds.
Earl Redmond receives departing Boardmember Plaque
I has been a tradtion to give departing Board Members an appreciation plaque in thanks for their work and effort to COPAMA. We finally were able to say "Thank You" to Earl, having been our treasurer from 2011 to 2022. Current board members in attendance were Charles Jenkins, Lowell Dowler, Bill Otte, Gene Sprang and Steve Brown.
Antonio's Aviation Legacy Memorial for Antonio Rosa
Antonio was a 17 year old aviation student at E.C.C. from Pickerington who was walking to work on Thursday August 12th, 2021 and tragically hit by a truck while crossing Refugee Rd. A Go-Fund-Me page created at the time of his death raised over $20,000. Please click on the link above to visit the memorial website!
Engineering Technologies Center
Eastland Career Center
4465 S. Hamilton Road,
Groveport, Ohio 43125
Many Thanks to all the vendors that attended and helped to make it happen!
2024 Vendor List
Break Sponsor | Satcom Direct | John Salame |
Vendor gallery and booth photos
OAMS 2024 Vendors
Aero Battery Inc.
Aero Performance
Aerospace Turbin Rotables, Inc
Duncan Aviation
Eagle Fuel Cells
EBIS Software
G & N Aircraft, Inc
Hartzell Engine Technologies
Joby Aviation
Poplar Grove Airmotive
Preferred Airparts LLC
Saint-Gobain Mobility Aerospace
John Salame of Satcom Direct
Spirit Aeronautics
Standard Aero
Tdata Corporation
Tempest Aero Group
Tiffin Aire, Inc
Tool Testing Lab
Tritex Corporation
Tronair Inc
Weldon Pump
Many thanks to the Food Trucks which provided lunch!
Find these and other Street Food Trucks on the StreetFoodFinder App!
OAMS 2022 Preplanning! The move to Eastland Career Center!
On December 15th, FAA Safety Inspector Paul Gillenwater led a discussion with COPAMA board members, other FAASTeam Inspectors from Cleveland and Cincinnati FSDOs, Eastland Career Center Instructor Alex D'Ettorre and Instructors Deem and Everett from C.S.C.C. Aviation Maintenance Technology to discuss holding the 2022 Ohio Aviation Maintenance Symposium at that sight. The Symposium date will be March 15th at the Eastland Career Center which is located at 4465 S. Hamilton Road, Groveport, Ohio 43125.
The change of venue addresses costs and COVID issues and gives exposure of the Aviation Maintenance Community to the students at E.C.C. engaged in their Aviation Pathways Program. Many past vendors have already signed on as Booth Displays and Presenters at the event.
E.C.C.'s Aviation Pathways Program exposes their students to Piloting, Maintenance, A.T.C., Airport Management and Drone training to pass the Part 107 UAS Certification. They get a well rounded idea of aviation so they can decide which career path to choose after High School graduation.
The Symposium will be held in their Engineering Technologies Center recently opened in August 2021. Along with the Aviation program which provides training for up to 30 Junior and Senior students from affiliated regional High Schools, the building houses Welding, Pre-Engineering, Computer Controlled Manufacturing, and other technical courses for High School and Adult continuing education classes in the evening.
The Center will be on Spring Break so acres of parking are available along with local restaurants and planned food trucks for lunch. Attendees should plan thier choice of food source or bring their lunch.
We will update our website with information when plans are finalized. Here is link to the Eastland Fairfield Career and Technical Schools which Eastland and Fairfield Career Centers combine to form.
Eastland Career Center Aviation Pathways Program
This page was last updated on 04/15/24.